Chapter 7: The Flash Revealed.

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Barry and Kara were in their apartment. Kara was breast feeding Elianna while Barry was tidying the place. She was cooing. "Oh, there you go. She's gorgeous" she said. "Yeah she is. Just like her mom. So uh, how is this gonna work? With us and our superhero duties?" Barry asked. "Um, I'm not sure. I think that we may need some help with protecting National but, I think it might be good if we take turns" Kara replied. "Take turns? Like take turns being the Flash and Supergirl?" he questioned. "Well, yeah. But, while one of us is out there, the other is here, with Elianna" she replied.

"Yeah. Yeah, I can live with that" he said. Kara put Elianna in her crib while she was sleeping. "How are you holding up?" Barry asked. "Um, good. It's just... I'm scared about being Supergirl again, especially since with Lex still out there" she replied. Kara began to hyperventilate. "Okay okay Kara. Calm down. It's okay. We have friends that will be willing to help us" Barry said. She began to calm down. "You're right. If things get too tough, we can call for help" she said.

"I think I'll be going back to work at CatCo after a few weeks. To keep my cover as Supergirl" Kara stated. "I think that's a good idea. But right now, all you need to think about is being a parent" Barry said. Kara and Barry sat down watching TV while Elianna was asleep.

Meanwhile Lex, Lillian and Thawne were conducting the next phase of their plan. "Alright. Now I'm getting a little pissed off. You haven't even told us who the Flash is. And we can't move forward if you don't tell me" Lex said sternly. "Don't threaten me. I can end your life in a flash. Besides, when the Flash is faced with a problem concerning his little friends, he will take it upon himself to deal with it. And believe me, the time is near" Thawne said.

Elianna started crying. "Hold on, I'll take care of it. You just stay there" Barry said. Barry picked up Elianna and said "It's okay, sweetie. Shhhh. Daddy's here". "Are ya hungry? Here's mommy". Barry handed her to Kara. "Apart from being sleep deprived I'm enjoying being a parent" he said. "Me too. Hey, stop looking" Kara said. "Sorry. Oh duty calls. The Flash is back" he said. Barry ran off. Kara was beginning to worry.

Lena was in LuthorCorp working in the basement with Eve, when suddenly Lena's mom Lillian appeared. "Hello sweetie" Lillian said. "Mother. What are you doing here?" Lena asked. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to work with me?" Lillian asked. "Why would I want to do that?" Lena questioned. "Well, me and your brother are working with someone to take down Supergirl and this scarlet speedster. I love you and I only want the best for you. You're also one of Supergirl's best friends" Lillian said. "Well, when you put it that way, I would like to help" she replied.

"Perfect. Now, I would love to catch you up" Lillian said. With Lena and Eve teaming up with the Luthor's, what would this mean for Kara and Lena's friendship?

Back at the apartment, Barry arrived back. "Barry, we need to talk" Kara said. "Sure. What's wrong?" he asked. "Barry, every time you go out there I'm scared that you won't come back. And with Lex still out there, I'm scared that I'll lose you and I don't think I'll be able to manage without you" Kara said, while she started to panic. "Kara calm down, okay. Whatever happens, I'll always come running back to you" he said. Kara started to calm herself down.

"How's Elianna?" Barry asked. "She's fine. She's sleeping at the moment. I wonder when she'll start getting her powers" Kara replied. "I don't know. But we'll be there when she does" Barry said. Kara held Barry tightly.

Later that night, Barry was out getting some shopping, when he got the feeling he was being followed. There was Lex and Lillian behind him. "Lex. What do you want?" Barry asked. "Oh stand down, Mr Allen. We only want to talk" Lillian said. "What about?" Barry questioned. "We have finally found out who Supergirl is, and we now know, that you are the Flash" Lex said. "How do you know?" Barry questioned. "How we know you're the Flash is not important but, I know you'd do anything to save the ones you love. And we have people watching your friends. Waiting for our word to strike" Lillian said. "You leave them alone" Barry sternly said. "If you want to save your friends, you'll do what we want. We've set up a meeting with the stand in presjdent, and you'll reveal yourself as the Flash. If you don't, say bye bye to your friends" Lex said. Lex and Lillian left with Barry pondering with what to do.

The next day, there were a lot of people gathered to see the Flash. The stand in president was ready. Before it was the Flash's time, he called Kara. "Hello? Hey Barry. What's up?" she asked. "Whatever happens, just know I love you" he said. Then he hung up. "Barry? Barry?!" Kara exclaimed. Kara turned on the TV and she saw Barry. "Oh Barry, what are you doing?" she asked.

The Flash was ready to save his friends. "Citizens of National City! I am the Flash and I am here today to tell you something important" he announced. He turned around and took off his mask. "My name... is Barry Allen, and I am the Flash" he said. There were cameras flashing and reporters asking questions. "Oh Barry, what have you done?" Kara questioned.

With Barry now revealed to the world as the Flash, what does this mean? Will Lex use this to his advantage?

To be continued...

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