Chapter 9: Final Showdown Part 1.

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What is Lex's plan? And will Kara be able to defeat him?

Barry and Kara were in their apartment, contemplating what to do next. Kara was uneasy. She was nervous. "Kara, calm down" Barry said. "I can't. Lex is still out there. Lena's missing. Presumingly with Lex and Lillian. I haven't seen Alex in weeks. I, I just don't know what to do" she said. "Okay calm down. We will find them before they can do damage. And we have friends that are willing to help" Barry said, calming Kara down.

Then Elianna woke up. "Don't you think she's growing?" he asked. "Yeah. She is growing up, quickly. Must be your speed" she replied. "Yeah. She is the image of you" he said. "Yeah. But she does have your eyes, and maybe your personality" she said. "Maybe. But I get the feeling that she's gonna be a reporter" he said. "Well, whatever she wants to do, we'll be proud" Kara said. Barry and Kara held each other tight as they looked at their daughter.

At the Lex's mansion, he was ready to initiate his plan. "What's the plan?" Lillian asked. "Well, dear sis will call Kara Dancers ask her to meet at LCorp. Then we will inject her with kryptonite. Just enough to knock her out. We will then bring her back here and well, use her to bring Superman and The Flash here" Lex replied. "Okay. I'll get on it?" Lena said. With that said, Lena went back to her office and called Kara. "Hey Kara. Can you meet me at my office? Thanks" she said. "I'll meeting Lena at her office. I won't be gone too long" Kara said. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I don't know. Afterall this time, I don't trust her" Barry replied. "She probably needed time after she found out I was Supergirl but I think she's ready to talk about it. So don't worry" she said. Kara left to go to LCorp.

"Lena? Are you here?" Kara asked. "I'm here. Hey before you start, I just wanted to say I'm sorry" Lena said. "You don't have to be. I should've told you sooner" Kara said. "Not about that. I'm sorry about this" Lena said. Before Kara could reply, she was attacked from behind. Lex injected her with kryptonite. Kara grew drowsy. She was unconscious.

Kara woke upto find herself somewhere dark, unknown. She was restrained. "Where am I?" she asked. Then Lex and Lillian appeared. "Lex. I should've known" Kara said. "Oh calm down Supergirl. Or should I say, Kara Danvers" Lex said. "How do you know my name?" she asked. "Because of me" Lena said. She appeared from the shadows behind. "Lena? Why would you tell them who I am?" Kara questioned. "Becuase you lied to me! Over and over again. All this time I thought I could trust you but no. You never told me who you were. Why not? Cause I'm a Luthor? Afterall, Luthor's can't be trusted" Lena exclaimed. She walked off with watery eyes. "What do you want with me?" Kara asked. "We are going to create kryptonion super soldiers. Since it worked last time, I imagine. And trust me, it will be very painful" Lillian replied. Lex and Lillian left Kara, who was struggling to break free.

Meanwhile back at the apartment, Barry was playing with Elianna. After a little while, Elianna tried to stand up and walk. "Oh go on! Go on, Elianna! Come to daddy!' Barry exclaimed. She slowly walked to Barry, who picked her up with excitement. Then, she spoke "Dada". "Ah! Your first word. Daddy's so proud. Let's call mommy" he said. Barry tried to call Kara but there was no answer. Then he called J'onn. He came over. "Barry, what's wrong?" he asked. "It's Kara. She's not answering her phone. And when I called at LCorp, they said she wasn't there. I don't like this" Barry replied. "I'm going to look for her" he said. "Am I staying with Elianna?" J'onn asked. "No. I want you to come with me. I'll call a few people" Barry said. He called Caitlin and Ronnie. "Keep an eye on her, would you?" he asked. "Of course, Barry. Go find Kara" Caitlin said. Barry and J'onn left, leaving Caitlin and Ronnie looking after his daughter.

Their first stop was Lena's office. Barry stormed in. "Where is she?" he asked. "Where's who?" Lena questioned. "Kara. I know she was here. Don't push me, Lena. Where's Kara?!" he exclaimed. "I don't know. Honestly" she replied. J'onn was trying to pull Barry back. "We know she was here. We tracked her phone here" J'onn said. Then he saw Kara's bag. "It's her bag. Where is she, Lena?" J'onn asked. "Lex and my mother have her" she replied. "If they do anything to her, just know it's on you" Barry said. "Where did they take her?" he asked. "It's a military base but I don't know which one" she replied. "I'll come for you later" Barry said. Barry and J'onn left Lena's office.

"What's our next move?" J'onn asked. "We can track her necklace. Then we'll know where she is" Barry replied. Barry used a device to track Kara's necklace. "Found her. Let's go" he said. J'onn and Barry headed to Kara's location.

Meanwhile Lex and Lillian were ready to create their kryptonion super soldiers. Cononel Haley was also there. She was going to be the first one to be a super soldier. Then suddenly, the Flash and Martian Manhunter crashed through the wall. "Guys! You made it!" Kara exclaimed. The Flash created tornadoes and shot them at Lex. Manhunter knocked out the scientists and tied up Lillian. Barry freed Kara, but she was weak. "Hey. You okay?" he asked. "Yeah. I need a sleep" she replied. "You missed so much. Elianna started to walk and said her first word" Barry said. "Really? I'm sorry I missed it. Where's Lena?" Kara asked. "She's at her office. Don't worry, she'll be going where these two are going" Barry said. "Come on, let's get you home" he said.

Lex, Lillian and Cononel Haley were arrested and sent to prison. And Lena... Kara decided it'd be best if she didn't remember anything. J'onn wiped Lena's memory of everything and everyone. Lena's life went back to normal before she knew Kara. Kara arrived home and was greeted by a walking and talking baby. "Elianna! Mommy's home" she said. Elianna walked up to Kara and said "Mama". "Thanks guys. I owe you one" Barry said. "No you don't. Besides, we've decided to try and have a baby" Ronnie said. "Really? I'm happy for you. Now, you better get going and try and have one" Barry said. Caitlin and Ronnie left.

Barry was receiving a call. It was from the prison. "Lex what do you want?" he asked. "I just wanted to ask if you know the name Eobard Thawne?" Lex asked. "How do you know what name?" Barry questioned. "How do you think we knew you were the Flash. He'll be calling you very soon" Lex said before he hung up.

What is Thawne's endgame? What is his plan? Will Barry finally defeat the Reverse Flash?

To be continued...

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