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Song is Falling inside the Black By SkilletYou know, I had a great song for this chapter. I was gonna put it on. But the only problem is that it's in freaking JAPANESE! So this one was my second choice. Enjoy the chapter! 

Lily's P.O.V

Sky is not dieing fast enough. I think I should add someone else into this game. I teleport to the North Village. I grab Ghost. Ty looks at me. I teleport to where I was before. My eyes turn black. 

"I think you should kill Sky for me. After all guilt kills." Ghost screams. I let go of her. She collapses on the ground. Red wings come out of her back. She screams again. I smirk. 

Ghost's P.O.V

No I can't let you out again! I scream. Insane is pushing me past the breaking point. I get on my hands and knees. I clench my fists in the grass. I squeeze my eyes shut. Please no. I don't want to kill Sky. He's doing the Ablution Ritual right now. He won't be able to defend himself. He would be too busy with Mitch. I'm pushed to the back of my mind. I'm in control Ghost.  I stand up. 

"You know what to do." Lily said. I turn around. I smirk. 

"I do." I fly into the air. I see Sky. Why is he on the ground?! Looks like the Ablution Ritual failed. No. I land a couple of feet away from Sky and Kitty. 

Kitty's P.O.V

Someone lands behind me. i turn my head and then look back at Sky. Wait. I stand up and look at Ghost. Her wings are red with black tips and holes in it, her one eye I can see is red. 

"Ghost what happened to you?" A sword forms in her hand. It has blood on it. She looks at me. She's smirking. She laughs. 

"To kill the target. I'm not Ghost. Hehe. I'm Insane." Insane said. to kill the target? I look at Sky. 


"Correct." Insane said laughing evilly. I pull my sword out and point it at her. At Ghost. I have to. 

"You'll have to go through me Ghost to kill Sky." Insane laughs. 

"Are you willing to die, to protect a dead man?" Insane asks. I grip my handle tight. I close my eyes and open them. My eyes are white. 

"Sky is not a dead man. He's still alive. Ghost I know your in there. Please don't make me hurt you!" I feel tears coming down my face. I don't want to hurt her. But I might have to, to protect Sky. Why did we stop the ritual? None of this would have happen if I didn't listen to Lily. Ghost runs towards me. I grab her and pull her away from Sky. Ghost grabs me and throws me into the trees. I hit one and fall on the ground. I open my eyes. Ghost looks at Sky. She picks up her sword. 

"NO! PLEASE STOP!" Ghost stops where she is.She appears in front of me. She grabs me by my neck and slams my against the tree. I cna't breathe. 

"Ghost this isn't you." I grab her wrist trying to loose her grips. I struggle. 

"Ghost!" Someone yells. Ghost is tackled to the ground. I fall on the ground gasping for air. I look around. Ian, Quentin, Jason, Jess, Tay, and Ty are here. Jess kneels beside me. 

"Are you okay?" Jess asks. 

"Ghost is after Sky. Sky has the Blight Curse. He is dieing. We need to stop Mitch before Sky dies and to keep Ghost away from Sky before she kill him." She helps me up. 

"Okay. Tay, Jess, and Kitty you guys protect Sky. Ian, and Quentin you guys go help stop Mitch. Jason you help me try to bring Ghost back." Ty said. Jess, Tay and I go around Sky. 

Revenge: Book 6 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now