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Thanks for over 500 reads! Thanks for all the support! Means a lot to me! Enjoy the chapter!

Mitch's P.O.V
Lily appears a couple of feet away from me. I look at her. We are in someplace that I have been stuck at for a long time. She looks at me.

"You know Mitch, Sky is pretty hot." Lily said. Kitty thinks so too.

"Cut the chat and let me out of here." Lily suddenly appears in front of me.

"Now why would I do that?" Lily asks. Maybe because I want to.

"Cause I want to get out of here." Lily looks hurt all of a sudden.

"But I don't." Lily said. She backs away from me. What is this really about?

"Why? What do you really want Lily?" She looks at me. Her face turns red. So that is what it's about.

"You. We were friends way before you meant these people." Lily said. Really huh?

"That's why you have been lying to my friends." Just cause I got some other friends doesn't mean We can't still be friends.

"I guess I still want you." Lily said. Well she ruined that.

"Lily you can't hurt my friends just because you want me."

"Why not?" Lily asks.

"Why?! I don't like my friends being hurt. What did you do?" She did something. She smirks.

"Ty and Ghost have ender sides that can lose control Mitch. I heard that Sky has a brine side." Lily said. I walk towards her.

"You didn't mess with them."

"I did. I warned Sky who you were." Lily said.

"Buts your lying. That's not what happen Lily." I stop. She goes right in front of me.

"I know. But you deserve it. You deserve to suffer and I can give that to you." Lily said.

"How can I do that if I'm here?"

"Your not with that brunette." Lily said. Tay?

"Who Tay?"

"Yes. I know what's going on with you two and that stupid bacca." Lily said.

"That bacca has a name and it's Jerome. He is not stupid. Tay is a great girl and if you hurt her you will regret it." Lily cross her arms.

"What you gonna do? Hurt me Mitch. Again?" Lily asks. I didn't even hurt her a first time.

"I didn't hurt you a first time."

"I have a better idea Mitch." Lily said. She smiles. I don't like this. She puts her hands on my neck and kisses me. She disappears. Everything goes black.

Tay's P.O.V
I'm waiting for Mitch to wake up. He has been out for at least 3 days. Sky came back with a knocked out Ghost and Ty. He also told me what is happening and why Ty turned into Enderlox. The door opens and Kitty comes in. She looks at me and closes the door.

"You know I can never seem to get why we agreed to staying here." Kitty said. I smile.

"It was something new. Besides how can we say no to them?" Kitty sits down in a chair.

"How are you?" Kitty asks. I look at Mitch.

"In a coma for three days."

"No Tay. Not Mitch. I meant you. As much as I care about Mitch, I also care about you Tay." Kitty said looking at me.

"I'm fine Kitty."

"Really? Don't be stubborn like Sky." Kitty said. I look at Mitch.

"A girl is out to kill Mitch. She is a level 10 sorcerer and said that Mitch is a murderer and lier. I don't believe her. I don't want to believe her."

"I don't believe her either. Mitch is a great guy and if she said that he abandoned her is true. He must of have a good reason. Mitch is a not a murderer." Kitty said.

"He is also not a lier. He is a great guy with a good heart. He wouldn't just kill for fun. He is not like that. They only kill if it's the last chance and it's always the last resort." It's true. Sky said they would lock them up, but if they have to and can't keep them contain. They would have to kill them and he doesn't like giving that order. Mitch sits up all of a sudden. We both stand up and walk next to him.

"Calm down. Kitty go get the doctor." Kitty leaves. He looks at me.

"What happen?" Mitch asks. I put my hand on his back.

"Lily attack us and you took the hits. You told me to run and I did. I came back and you were knocked out. Who's Lily?" Mitch looks at me. The doctor comes in. He looks at Mitch.

"You boys need to learn not to get hurt so much." He said.

"That's like telling them not to breathe. They do crazy things that can and might one day get one of them killed."

"One of us hasn't died yet." Mitch said.

"Well you can go Mitch." Doctor said. He leaves. I cross my arms. Mitch stands up.

"Who's Lily Mitch?"

"She's an old friend that died years ago protecting me. But now that she is back, she thinks I abandon and betray her." Mitch said.

"Why is she calling you a murderer and a lier?"

"Cause she wants you guys to distrust me and kick me out." Mitch said. Makes sense. I walk in front of him. He looks at me.

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course you can." Mitch said. I smile. I put my arms around his neck and hug him. I believe him. How can't I not believe him? His arms goes around my waist. I kiss his cheek. I put my hand on the back of his neck. I put my head on his shoulder. I smile. I feel his hand on my back. I lean back a little and look at him. He looks at me. I kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back.

Ghost's P.O.V
I open my eyes. I sit up slowly. Everywhere hurts.

"So how was your nap?" Someone asks. My vision clears. Sky and Jake are looking at me. Sky's sitting in a chair while Jake is standing next to me.

"Good. But before I was knocked out, I thought I saw someone that looked exactly like Sky with red eyes hit me so hard on the head." Sky smiles.

"Yeah I sort of lost it. Sorry. But Enderlox was pushing it with coming so close to killing a group of 10 year old boys." Sky said. Jake hugs me tight. Sky stands up.

"How's Ty?"

"He's fine, I knocked both of you out." Sky said. Something is bothering him.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine. Just rest. See you later." Sky said as he left. Jake sits on the bed next to me.

"You won't leave me right Ghost?" Jake asks.

"I would never leave you alone Jake." He smiles and hugs me again. I hug him back.

Don't forget to vote on the new cover! AceroxMC vs SGCLIVI! They are both great covers! Vote once and voting end on January 30, 2015!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!



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