Ablution Ritual

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Song is Fallen Angel By 2 Girls. Let's say this font is Sky speaking some weird language shall we?

Sky's P.O.V

I'm not so sure that I can do this. But Mitch wants it. We are in the forest. Some came with us. I couldn't talk them out of it. Kitty, Tay, Seto and Jerome are here. 

"This is good." 

"What now?" Jerome asks. 

"You three can't stop whatever I do to Mitch. You can't go near us or you will get hurt and it would stop the ritual." I look at them. 

"We won't." Tay said. Good. 

"Back away from him. Mitch take off your shirt." They do. I pull out my sword. Mitch takes off his shirt. My eyes turn white. Are you sure that you can do this? Yes. Mitch wants it. So I will try it. I walk in front of Mitch. 

"Don't refuse. Try not to at least." 

"Ok." Mitch said. I grab Mitch's shoulder and stab him in the chest. Mitch screams. I pull the sword out. I hear Jerome grab Tay. Mitch goes on his knees. I back up. I pull up my sleeve. I cut my arm. I put the sword in the ground. The grass dies. I close my eyes and put my hand on the ground. The blood sinks into the ground and forms a circle are Mitch. A barrier lights up the sky. Cuts start forming on me. He's resisting. Already and we just started. It's painful for sure. It starts raining. My eyes turn red. Mitch looks at me with black eyes.  He hits the barrier. Pain shoots through me. Each time Mitch hits the barrier, it would hurt me. Too much refusing from him would give me the Blight curse. 

"From the demon that lives in this soul shall go back to hell never to return. And for the human that has it, shall he be cleanse for all the ungrateful sins he's done." Mitch starts tunring into a demon. It's not working on him. He is refusing too much. If he doesn't cooperate, this was pointless. But he would also kill me. I close my eyes. I need to get in his memories. 

Kitty's P.O.V

I don't like watching this. Mitch screams. 

"What's this?" Someone asks. I look up. Lily is here. She looks at Sky. She smirks. I push past Jerome. Lily goes behind Sky. She reaches for him. I tackle her away from Sky. She can't touch him or the ritual will stop and Mitch would kill us all. I push Lily away. 

"What are you doing?" Lily looks at me. 

"Sky is powerful enough to handle doing an Ablution Ritual?" Lily asks. 


"Impossible. He can't handle it. Not without getting the Blight curse. They always get it. Sky will get it and it would kill him slowly. It would mess with his mind and make him go insane. That's how Herobrine turned evil." Lily said. Herobrine had the blight curse?! 

"And Sky will not get it." 

"I doubt it. Mitch is refusing, that's how you get it. There is no stopping a the Blight Curse. Are you gonna stop this or let Sky get cursed Kitty?" Lily asks. She disappears. I look at Sky. I want to stop it now. I don't want Sky to turn into Herobrine. I run towards him. Jerome and Seto grab me and pull me back. 

"He'll get the Blight Curse if this continues!" Mitch screams again. I look at him. He's half demon. Sky is saying something I can't understand. 

"You can't stop this once it starts Kitty!" Seto yells. Why not? I have to though. 

"He will turn into what Herobrine was." Seto and Jerome look at me. 

"Even if we do, Mitch will turn into a demon." Jerome said. 

"Soul Taker Spell." Seto said. 

"The spell?" 

"It's what Sky used on Ty and Jason. He took the evil out of them. Lily will need an Ablution Ritual since she has a sorcerer side and a demon side. But maybe I could use that on Mitch." Seto said. 

"Do it." 

"What would happen to Sky if you stop this ritual?" Tay asks. We all look at Sky.

"I'm not sure. But I'm doing it. I should have thought of this before." Seto said. Seto walks behind Sky. I walk next to him. 

"Grab him. I will deal with Mitch." Seto said. I nod. 

Sky's P.O.V

I can't enter his memories. Pain shoots up my arm. Someone grabs me. NO! I close my eyes. They stopped it. Why?! I'm in someone's lap. I hear a scream. I feel a hand on my neck. 

"Sky look at me!" Someone yells. I hear fighting. 

"You should have let Sky finished it you idiots! But thanks for letting me out!" Someone yells. I hear more screams. This is what happens. I will get blight if they stopped it. I get out the person's lap. I go on my hands and knees. I open my eyes. Pain is coming everywhere. 

"Sky." Someone said. I look to the side. Kitty. My hand has a black and purple solid pattern on it and growing. Blight. It grows up  my arm. 

"Why did you stop it?" 

"We found another way." Kitty said. I fall on my side. Kitty reaches for me. 

"Don't Kitty. Stopping it gave me the Blight Curse. As long as Mitch is a demon, it will g-grow faster. T-Touch me and you'll get i-it." Kitty stops. I see tears in her eyes. I scream. The pain is unbearable. I clench my fists in the dirt. Why would they stop it? They killed me. 

"Guys you have to stop Mitch and fast, before Sky dies!" Kitty yells. 

Lily's P.O.V

I smirk. That was almost too easy. They didn't know stopping the ritual will tie Sky's soul to Mitch's sins. As long as Mitch is a demon Sky will die from the blight. Who knew all it was needed to take down a leader is to make his generals kill him. Take out the biggest card. Sky was the biggest card. He won't survive the night.

Ghost I know I would put your idea in here. But I have some place else to put it. It is a perfect place to put it. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! 



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