Protecting Sky

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Kitty's P.O.V

I jump off a branch. How did I end up here? I look around. I stop. Sky is chained to a tree. Lily goes very close to him. Not gonna happen! She puts her hand on his neck. She goes inches from his face. Not gonna happen in a million years! I run towards them. I stop and my eyes turn orange.

"Stay away from my man sister!" I grab her and throw her very far away from Sky. I look at Sky. He looks shock, I point my finger at him. My eyes turn red.

"I will have a talk with you later." Sky nods. He looks scare. I look at Lily. Lily looks at me. She could have any guy in that demon form of hers and she chooses Sky. She is not getting him while I'm still breathing.

"Kitty I guess." Lily said.

"Yeah, touch him or get close to him like that again and you'll lose more then a hand." Lily crosses her arms.

"He's mine." Lily said. Are you serious? He doesn't even know her that well.

"He's mine."

"Sky who do you like more?" Lily asks. I glare at Sky.

"Kitty." Sky said. Good answer since I'm the closest to him.

"If I can't have him, then no one can." Lily said. She disappears. She is not hurting Sky. I look at Sky. Sky grits his teeth.

"Are the chains getting tighter?"

"Extermely." Sky said. I grab one and pull it. I try to unlock it. Lily grabs me and pulls me back. She slams me into a tree.

"You can't break those chains without me doing it. They will get tighter and tighter til it crushes him." Lily said. That's bad. I push Lily off of me. She slams into a tree. I smirk. She tackles me.

Sky's P.O.V

While Kitty and Lily are fighting, I'm trying to get out of here. The chains are getting tighter. I struggle. Pain comes throughout my body. I scream. O god, that hurt so much, It's still hurting. I grit my teeth.

"Sky you there?" Ty asks. Earpiece. Thanks god for earpiece.

"Yeah." It hurts to talk.

"Where are you?" Ty asks.

"Chained to a tree. Chains getting tighter."

"Where are you?" Jerome asks.

"Forbidden Forest." I should stop talking. It hurts so much.

"I'm coming to help you." Ty said. Pain shoots again. I scream again. I'm pretty sure it's breaking my ribs. I look at the ground. My strenght leaves me. I scream again. Someone lands on the ground. I look up. It's Ty! He run in front of me. I grit my teeth. The pain is unbearable.

"How tight is it?" Ty asks.

"'So very tight." Ty is in his ender form. He tries to break the chains. Pain comes again. I scream. I can't breathe. Ghost comes. she runs next to me.

"I think it's breaking his ribs." Ty said. Yep. I look at the ground. Ghost and Ty try to break the chains. I can't take it anymore! My eyes turn red. Ghost and Ty look at me. The grass dies around me. The chains turn red. Ghost and Ty back up away from me. If I can't break the chains, I can break the tree! A sword forms in my hand. The sword goes through the tree trunk. I turn it and it cuts through the trunk. The chains loose and the tree falls on the ground. My eyes turn normal. The chains disappears. I gasp for air and fall on the ground. Pain shoots everywhere. I grit my teeth. Ghost and Ty run next to me. Ghost kneels next to me. She puts her hand on my stomach. Pain comes.

'Don't." Ghost puts her hand away.

"Yeah he might have broken ribs. I will take him."Ghost said. She puts her arms around my waist. I grit my teeth. One of her hands goes on my chest. She goes in the air. O great, heighs. I close my eyes. I focus on breatheing. Even though it's hard to breathe. We land on the North Village steps to the underground door. Ghost puts one of my arms around her shoulders. She kicks the door. This hurts on so many levels. Someone opens the door. We go in. Robert comes next to me.

"What happen?" Robert asks.

"Chained to a tree. The chains got so tight they might have broke some of his ribs." Ghost said.

"Ok wait here." Robert said. We both stop. Robert leaves. He comes back with a doctor.

"Where?" He asks.

"He might have broken ribs." Robert said. Dr. Q lifts up my shirt.

"No bruising." He said.

"That good?" Robert asks.

"Yeah it's good. But does this hurt Sky?" Dr. Q asks as he puts his hand on my stomach. Pain shoots up everywhere.

"Yeah." Dr. Q lets my shirt drop.

"What about speaking and breathing, does that hurt too?" Dr. Q asks. A bunch.


"He might have some broken ribs. Bring him." Dr. Q said. We follow him.

Ty's P.O.V

"Where did Sky go?" Kitty ask. I look at her. I cross my arms at her.

"He had to be rushed to a doctor."

"Why?" Kitty asks.

"Cause he might have a few broken ribs. You were so focus on Lily that you didn't stop to help Sky not have any broken bones."

"Lily was going to kill him. I would take broken bones over death anyday." Kitty said.

"Let's just get back to the North Village."

"What about the base?" Kitty asks. O that's destroyed.

"Lily destroyed it. Debris, deep and big cracks in the ground and harden lava on the ground. Yeah that place is destroyed." I put my arms around Kitty's waist and go in the air. I head towards the North Village.

Mitch's P.O.V

Sky and Kitty just disappeared. We don't know where they went. Ty and Ghost went somewhere a couple of minutes ago. Ghost comes in.

"Found Sky and Kitty." Ghost said. We all look at her.

"How are they?" Jerome asks.

"Kitty, I don't know. But Sky has a few broken ribs." Ghost said.

"At least he is fine." I wouldn't live with myself if one of my friends was killed by Lily.

"Yeah that's good." Jerome said. 


Revenge: Book 6 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now