Loss Control

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Cover Contest is still going! I have one entry so far! It ends at January 26, 2015! Keep them coming you guys! Song is We Are by Thousand Foot Krutch.

Sky's P.O.V

I think I see someone. It's Ghost. I run next to her. I shake her.

"Ghost." Ghost looks at me. I fall backwards. She is on top of me with a sword pointed at me. That's not Ghost. Someone lands on the ground. I see Ty. He is Enderlox. What happen to them? Sorry guys. My eyes turn white. I push Ghost off of me. She falls on the ground. I stand up. I grab Ty's arm and throw him towards a tree. Ghost jumps on my back. I go into the sky. Ty flies in front of me. Ghost has a hold of me. I look at her. I look at the ground. My eyes turn normal. I can't even see the ground anymore! I doomed if she drops me. Ty smirks. Ghost does too. I look at them both.

"Don't." Ghost lets go of me. The ground comes towards me fast. I try to grab a branch. I get cut up from teh branches. I hit a branch and I fall on the ground. The land in front of me. I stand up. I'm not gonna hurt them. But I might have too. We are very close to the North Village. Way too close. I grabbed a earpiece before I left.


"What happen Sky?" Robert asks. Ty throw a spell at me.

"Something is controlling Ghost's and Ty's ender side. We are very close to the North Village. To the underground door." I get hit. I go flying and I roll on the ground. I stop.

"How close?" Robert asks. I look around. My eyes widen. There is the door.

"I'm right outside the door right now."

"What?!" Robert yells. Ty and Ghost grab me. I get halfway into the air before I kick their hands. I hit the ground. Ty lands next to the door. He looks at it.

"Tell them to go far Ty is about to open the door. Block it!" Ty goes down the steps. I push Ghost. I put vines around her. That should keep her still for a while. I run down teh steps. I grab Ty. He pushes me in the wall. Ty moves. I hit the door hard. He turns around. He throw a spell at me. It hits me, I go through the door and hit a wall. I hit the floor. Robert and people look at me. I look at Ty. He's smirking. No.

"Run! I'll hold him and her." Robert nods. People start running towards the tunnel entrance. Ty points his hand towards some little boys. I run at him. I grab his wrist. They run. I Push him against a wall. My eyes turn red. Enderlox grabs my shoulder and pins me against a wall. I grab his arms trying to break free.

"I'm tired of you always stopping me!" Enderlox yells. He claws at me. I move a little. He claws my cheek. I hit one of his elbows. He lets go. I hit him across the face. Enderlox backs up and looks at me. There's a deep cut across cheek.

"So you actually hurt Ty? I thought you weren't going to." Enderlox said. He's right. I'm letting my rage control me again. But how can't I? Enderlox grabs me and throws me outside. I look at Ghost. She stands up. I stand up. She has a whip in her hand. I look at Ty. He's going towards the people. I can't let that happen. I run towards Ty. Ghost's whip grabs my ankle. I fall on the ground. She goes in the air, pulling it. I stand up going towards Ty slowly. I grab the railing. I pull my ankle hard. I can hear Ghost struggling behind me. I hear someone scream from inside. That's it! I'm more then pissed off now! I grab Ghost's whip. I yank it. Ghost goes towards me. I grab her and put her against the wall. I hit her. She falls limp on the ground. I run inside. The tunnel doors are broken. I run down the tunnel. I see Ednerlox. I grab Ghost's whip. The end wraps around Enderlox. I pull him towards me. He looks at me. Fire comes towards me. I hit the ground and still have a hold of the whip. The fire burns my arm. I scream in pain. I stand up. I yank it hard. I grab Enderlox. I run towards the door. I kick him out. I run up the steps and past Ghost. Ty looks at me. I point my hand towards him.

"Stop!" Someone yelled. I don't move. I look at Ty. He is looking at me. Some girl with red hair comes beside me. She puts her hand on my arm that's pointing at Ty. She pushes it down. She should be inside the tunnel, not out here. I look at her. Wait. I push her hand off of me. I back away from her. She is not normal at all.

"Who are you?" She smirks. My eyes turn normal all of a sudden. I didn't do that.

"Sky you shouldn't let your rage control you. You could hurt someone.' She said.

"Noted who are you?"

"I'm Lily. Your friend Mitch, isn't who he said he is." Lily said. I sense magic within her. She looks at Ty. Enderlox disappears and Ty is there. What?! Ty falls on the ground. She looks at me.

"What are you saying?"

"Mitch is a murderer and a liar. I know he is." Lily said. That's a lie. Mitch is not a murderer and a liar.

"Your lieing." She frowns. She walks towards me.

"I'm telling the true. If you are going to try to protect your recruits and friends. Kill Mitch Sky. It's the only way to stop Dustin." Lily said.

"How do you know this Lily?" I can't move all of a sudden. Lily puts her arms around my neck.

"Because I was friends with Mitch before his betray and used me. He also abandon me in my time of need." Lily said. I feel her hand go on my chest. She looks at my amulet.

"Mitch wouldn't do that." Lily looks at me.

"You don't know Mitch very well then." Lily said. I feel her hand go under my shirt and on my skin. Her hand is cold. If only I could move!

"You know Sky if you get tired of Kitty, I'm always here." Lily said. No.

"Not in a million years. Now let me move." Lily lifts an eyebrow at me.

"Your no fun." Lily said. She kisses my cheek and disappears. I can move.

"It's clear Robert." I go halfway down the steps. I grab Ghost in my arms. I pick her up. Robert shows up and looks at me.

"What happen?" Robert asks. I walk up the steps. Robert follows me.

"Sky." Robert said. I walk next to Ty.

"Ty and Ghost were controlled by Lily."

"Who's Lily?" Robert asks. I put Ghost down. I cross my arms. My right arm is burnt to a crisp anyway and it hurts so much.

"You should know since she has been here. Anyone new come here lately?"

"Just Ashlee." Robert said.

"What does she look like and want?"

"She wanted to see Mitch since they were friends. She was a short red-head, with knee high black boots." Robert said. That's Lily.

"That's Lily Robert. She is after Mitch. That's must have been why Mitch fell into a coma a day ago."

"Mitch's in a coma?! What happen?" Robert asks. I don't feel like explaining it to him.

"I'll tell you later. But now if Lily shows up, get her and tell me if she comes back." Robert nods. I look at Ty and Ghost. I grab Ghost wrist. Ok she's still alive. I thought I killed her for a second. Lily was lieing about Mitch right? I hope she was.

Revenge: Book 6 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now