Mo'Gara (The Orc) PT3

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Her muscular thighs move over your waist, the weight of her body keeping you pinned to the bed as she takes her fingers and plays with the fabric of your pants. Leaning intimately to your neck, she blows a breath against your skin, a shiver of arousal coursing through you. The roughness of her tusks skim over, and her tongue follows the movement, with her teeth biting down ever so gently.

Mo'gara grasps the fabric of your pants between two brawny hands, fiddling with it for a moment as she considers ripping it from you or savoring the moment and stripping you.

She knew she had the means to replace it, but it was also a matter of admiration. You did look quite stunning beneath her, so desperate for any form of touch and so easily bendable! The urge to have you a begging mess beneath her was an opportunity too good to pass up.

You lay beneath her, entirely powerless under the brute strength that is Mo'gara. She had control, and you doubt you would have that even if you begged for it.

Her voice comes out as a raspy growl, her desperation for your touch growing with every passing second.

"How do you feel about blindfolds?"

The question catches you off guard. Not once did you consider her asking that, and yet you also felt compelled to try it. The trust to be at her mercy, entirely incapable of seeing what she would do to you next, was a thrill you wanted to experience.

The burning between your thighs was slowly becoming an overbearing issue, so with desperation and more than plenty of arousal, you follow through with her idea.

Not moments later, the last remaining articles of clothes shed, and a few ideas thought out, you lay bare before her, with your eyes covered and a pair of satiny handcuffs keeping your hands bound together in a tight fit. Mo'gara ensures to stay quiet as she shifts to straddle your hips. The veil of darkness that seizes your vision gives for an adventurous night and one full of promise. With the sight that you once depended on now gone, every nerve stands at the ready in anticipation of what's to come.  Where would she touch you? You weren't sure, and yet that was what made it so much better when she did.

The first touch was a warm and wet swipe of her tongue over your hip bone, followed by the teasing clash of teeth just along the skin. The second was her hands gripping your thighs and guiding them apart, treating you as her bounty of spoils that she rightfully earned. And the third was her tongue gliding over you with a hunger unlike any you've felt before.

She laughs against you, thoroughly enjoying how easily she could get such precious noises from you. You were so obedient, weren't you? Offering those stunning noises, edging her on simply by your enjoyment of her mouth.

You move your bound hands to your stomach, grasping for her hand that rests just below your belly button as her tongue flicks over your clit - a jolt running through you, and you gasp - desperate for more, your hips buck forward, and you all but yell out her name.

Following such a delicious reaction, Mo'gara delays her assault and lays encouraging kisses along your inner thigh, licking over the skin before biting. A small whimper leaves your lips, and you raise your hips, silently begging for more.

"You humans make such lovely noises..." she says to herself, surprised at how sensitive you reacted to such little foreplay.

" orcs are too - much! for a human!" The feel of her changing positions over you leaves you desperate for contact, but her throaty laugh draws away your earlier statement as a slick heat slides over your pussy and rubs over you in the most titillating of ways.

"From the mess you've made of my sheets, I'm sure you won't have any issue taking me, little one."

Her hips buck forward, and as comfortable as she said it would be, the tip of her cock slides into you with little to no effort. She groans low in her throat, grasping at your legs for support as she slowly slides the rest in, a pleasured chill running down her spine as she takes a steadying breath.

"See?" she chuckles, sounding almost breathless, caressing her left hand over your chest and down to your belly. "You took me so well."

Mo'gara guides your legs open just a little more, the muscle of her stomach flexing as she thrusts forward, closing her eyes in desperation as she withholds herself.

You feel her as she leans over your body, pushing herself flush against your front as she thrusts her hips in gentle strokes. Mo'gara nuzzling close to your neck as she bites and kisses against your skin as gently as she could manage, knowing just how fragile you were.

You match her thrusts with an upward motion of your hips, gripping the sheets just above your head in a white knuckle grasp, her hips back forward, slamming hard into you while growling low in her throat. Taken by surprise, you cry out — wrapping your legs clean around her waist as she proceeds with hard, deep thrusts.

The palm of her hand glides over your throat, her fingers wrapping around and squeezing - the action wasn't one to hurt you but to remind you of her strength. She was an orc, and in every way, wished to prove herself to you, even if the action was dominating over you.

Mo'gara serves to please, exerting herself to near exhaustion throughout the night as she makes love to you.

The food long forgotten and having gone cold, the two of you go late into the night to the early rising of the sun where you lay exhausted in one another arms, her rippling torso and strong arms kept tightly around you well into your dreams as the two of you fall into an unavoidable rest, her soft snores lulling you to sleep until all goes black and the hours pass into the flying colors of your dreams.

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