Nima (Vampire Queen)

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Warnings: kinda Yandere, attempted kidnapping, adorable dumbass Y/n. Sweet tho ngl

You hummed as you push your shopping cart, glancing at the many arrays of products offered.

You weren't sure why you were in the face section of the store, but it seemed interesting! The vast selection of mushrooms, books about healing spells, special candies, and some other things you couldn't pronounce!

It was pretty neat, but you were here for human food, not an unlimited supply of mushrooms.

So you turn your basket and exit the aisle, giving a small nod and smile to a very pink fae before you left.

You look up at the aisle signs.

'Werewolf,' no.

'Orc,' nope!

'Unseelie,' Nah.

'Cyclops, ' na uh.

'Vampire, ' nada.


Your basket crashes into another, the metal crashing against the floor as your skirts to a sudden stop.

You let out a gasp, beginning to apologize profusely as you rush to pick up the stranger's basket.

"I was stupid; I'm sorry." You bend down to pick up the packages of meat, blood bags and thank God, unbroken bottles of red wine.

It's not until you reach for a rolling bottle does a black heel stops its movement. Your hand just inches away from grasping it.

You blink in surprise before glancing up from your crawling position to see a very well dressed woman staring down at you.

Her blonde hair neatly slicked back as she stared you down with her green eyes, perfectly lined and shadowed with make-up. She pulled off the whole 'Smokey eye Empress' look very well!

Her complexion was stunning; her sharp jawline relaxed, pale skin outlining her cheekbones.

She raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow, lips curving up in amusement.

You offer a smile, "may I get that?" You point to the bottle, and she moves her foot, allowing you to grasp it as you stand to your feet, placing it in the basket.

"Again, my apologies! Have a good one." You fail to notice the shocked glances being sent your way as you returned to your basket, passing by the woman without a second glance.

Five minutes later, you're searching for your favorite snack, staring at all the bags and boxes as you look for your choice.

You hear a basket rolling closer, so you step out of the way, not minding them a glance as you finally found your snack.

You get as close as you could, standing on your tippy-toes, reaching for the very top shelf.

A cold rush of air comes from behind you until a body pushes flush against yours, a hand reaching high above yours and grasping the box.

The sweet smell of peaches overwhelms your senses, your breath hitching as a smooth, low french accent hits your ears like a melody.

"Allow me to assist, mon chéri."

You turn around and look up at the same, wicked green eyes.

"Th--thanks." For a moment, you forget how to breathe. She was just so very close.

She hands you the box with elegance, raising her left hand next to your head, caging you between her and the shelf.

She snaps her fingers and seemingly out of nowhere, a pale, tall man steps closer and grabs the handles of your basket.

"Wait, that's—" the woman grasps your chin and forces your attention onto her, a sharp glare piercing your very soul.

"Don't mind him; he's just going to finish your shopping for you."

Her fangs peek out from the corners of her lips, four sharp canines shining dangerously.

"But he doesn't—" she snaps her jaws, silencing your sentence.

You stare at the ground, foot-tapping nervously against the floor.

She inches ever closer, her mouth just inches from your neck as she inhales sharply.

"Listen to me, as I am saying this once. You are to walk out of this store with me, don't make a scene, and stay by me. Got it?"

You drop your voice to a whisper.

"Can...can you tell him to get the heart-shaped candies?"

She opens her mouth to protest but just lets out a sigh, glancing over to the man and inclining her head to the side.

"Right away, your majesty."

She looks back at you, her tone much softer.

"Anything else?"

You think on it for a moment, a few thoughts coming to your mind as you grab her hand and follow after the man.

"Yes, it's a particular brand and no offense, but people usually get the wrong one."

The rest of your store visit consists of you dragging this unknown woman around the store and telling the man — who's name was Jim — which products to trust and which ones were cheap.

"This one is okay-ish, but the right brand is here—!" The woman tugs you into her body, keeping you firmly against her.

"You need to stop doing that; I'm just trying to help him!" Speaking back to a woman like her was not something she often experienced, so she genuinely doesn't know how to react, other than allowing you to do what you wished.

After about five minutes, you turn to her, "what's your name?".

It all clicks for her; you simply had no idea who she was! Of course, you weren't going to listen.

"Nima, Queen of Vampires." She speaks it with pride, smirking as she sees your eyes widen.

"Wow, that's an interesting last name!"

Nima blinks slowly, mouth slightly agape at your cluelessness.

This was going to be tougher than she thought.

(I've wanted to write a clueless MC for quite a while, and I really enjoyed making this)

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