Nima (Vampire Queen) (PT2)

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Two hours. Two god-forsakenly long hours that Nima has endured until she finally managed to get you from the store.

Each product, every single one you helped pick out, and when she offered - no, commanded to pay?! Guess what! You bought it! You didn't even give her the chance to pull out the money; no, you had it on the ready like some gunslinger the moment the clock struck twelve.

But finally! Through trial and error, she got you out of the store and straight to her car.

"Wait...what about my car? It's right over..." Your gaze lands on the empty parking spot where you swore yours was. Were you mistaken?

Nima watches, taking a deep, calming breath before grasping your arm and putting forth her best, kind smile.

"mon cher?" She starts, lifting her he and to trace your jaw and also subtly to turn your attention onto her. "You're sweet, but you must have some clue as to what is going on..."

Nima's eyes flicker to her tight, demanding grip on your wrist and to the people pretending they don't see what was happening, not to mention all of her words that blatantly told you not to struggle.

She thought perhaps you did not know you were being kidnapped, or maybe you did; Nima truthfully just wanted to confirm first to see how you perceive this situation.

It was confirmed you have no clue what was happening as you smiled at her, and hesitantly nodded your head.

Nima sighs, curious about as to how you've lived this far in life without being kidnapped by some different individual.

As to why (to Nima), that fully justifies why she is doing this...although in actuality, kidnapping is kidnapping, but don't tell that to Nima.

"You sweet girl..." She sighs fondly, guiding you towards her sleek car door as her servant opens it. It was only right for her to get your address! Only so she could help you pack your things!...yeah, pack your things. "Will you enlighten me on where you live? I'm afraid I do not know."

Her voice was plastered with sickly sweet undertones, speaking to you slowly in case you misunderstood. Naturally, her patience would fall right out the window but for you; she simply had to remain calm.

You carelessly crawl into the backseat, ensuring to buckle yourself in as you begin to explain your address, although it wasn't in the way Nima expected.

"Yeah! So, first, when you reach the big green tree, you want to take a left..." Nima covers her mouth, gazing at the floor of the car with sheer shock. Slowly, she could feel her facade fading, the patience running thin as the vehicle begins to move.

She expected this to be easy, but with your clueless nature, it genuinely made her feel regret for doing it, but she was the Queen! She could do whatever she wanted!

"...then after you pass the fire station, you take another left..."

But she so desperately began to lose it all as her fangs began to elongate, and her eyes swirl a beautiful deep green.

"...oh! And be careful when you reach the grassy area; there's always a dog that runs out-" Nima finally snaps as her clawed fingers grasp at your throat, a hiss slipping past her lips as she straddles your lap.

"Be quiet," her voice carried out an order, to which your mind heeded; you fell into silence as you avoid her gaze as if your life depended on it. "Listen to me well, mon cher, for I will only say this once. Your life, as you know it will belong to me; everything you once knew, will be no longer. I will be the only thing you need, and you will be all that I need."

For once, it looked as if you understood; the recognition on your face was so adorably tragic, but it was time you understood.

You open your mouth to speak but hesitate before surprisingly glancing up at Nima, silently asking permission to speak.

The swell of pride that filled Nima was like a weight being lifted from her shoulders, finally! Finally, you understood.

"Does this mean...I" you pause, gaining Nima's full attention, as you think over your words.

"..I will be living with you?" It was a question Nima could handle, while still a little obvious, she would spare a moment to explain.

Her grip is released from your throat and caressed up to your cheek, her thumb gently running across your cheekbone before she manages an answer.

"Yes, my sweet, and if you're a good girl, then you'll have rewards. Wouldn't you like a reward?" She notices the faint blush on your cheeks and the way your eyes don't dare meet hers, oh how she adored it.

"Can you be that for me? Can you be my good girl?" Nima's voice turns sweet and encouraging, which works exactly how she wished it; your silence was enough to satisfy her craving for now.

Eventually, through trial and even more error, she would have you stuck to her like glue; she would make you depend on her entirely every waking moment of your life just as she has imagined.

Even with your clueless nature, she knew she could break you; it would just be a little harder.

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