Mo'Gara (The Orc) PT1

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(Warnings: that gay shit)

Why were you so nervous? Going on a date wasn't anything new; you've been on plenty! There was absolutely no reason to be scared. Although I wouldn't say afraid is the correct term,  more so the anxiety of being courted and mated by a six-foot-seven Auburn-haired chieftain named Mo'Gara.

Let's get one thing straight; having an array of animal carcasses laid out on your front porch is an experience that not many could get through. If not for your knowledge of Orc Courting rituals, then you would've unknowingly gotten rid of the gifts. Yes, gifts. You heard me right.

Each animal got increasingly dangerous, which meant she was trying to prove how she could provide for you and protect you.

Next were the letters; some were sweet and endearing...others were not safe for work.

Anyway! For example: 'your bright, caring smile shines more luminous than the edge id my blade, the loving softness of your fingertips like the flesh of my enemies whomst I strike down—your eyes the kindest and voice sweeter than any battle cry. I'm honored you've accepted my gifts. ~Mo'Gara'

And for the more intimate: 'At night I wish to feel you writhe underneath me and to hear your beautiful cries, I promise I am more than skilled at giving you a pleasurable night and an even more pleasant morning. No human can match the stamina and strength of an orc; I promise you that. ~Mo'Gara'

You've seen her once on accident when she was delivering a gift late at night; you couldn't sleep and decided to go for a drink of water in the kitchen when you saw the outline of Mo'gara carrying an entire elk carcass over her head outside of your kitchen window.

Your heart nearly lept from your chest at the outline, but as your eyes focused, it became overwhelmingly obvious.

The moonlight against her taut, rippling green muscles, excused the blood dripping from her forearms for a few moments. You could faintly make out her Auburn hair; it was a tad bit frizzy from the tussle you assumed she had with killing the elk, but you found yourself staring until she left.

You never got a clear view of her face, and tonight was the night you would finally meet her in person, no more letters, no more gifts, this was the final meeting that determines it all.

If this date went well, then she would propose to you—a chief. The most feared leader of the region is courting you, a human.

You take a deep breath, and still your racing nerves; it was now or never.

You're careful as you approach the expansive log cabin, absentmindedly counting the steps as you near the front door.

You sigh as you smooth down your outfit, your palms sweating as you think of her reaction to you.

The windows show a dimly lit light cascading out, and you spot a large, looming shadow on the wall, oh gods...

You lift your hand, making a loose fist before your knuckles collide with the smooth oak, a resounding echo bouncing off of the wood.

Lumbering steps follow the sound, and you swore you stop breathing; where do you look? How should you stand?

Maybe this was a bad idea; what if she doesn't like-

The door opens, and you find yourself craning your neck upward to meet her...oh her eyes were so lovely.

Her markings! Did she have dimples! Her ears! They're pointed!

"Chieftain, it's an honor." You start, but she quickly shuts it down, calmly shaking her head.

"You are my equal; my title is meaningless when we are together." Her gaze never falters while she reaches down to grasp your hands, her calloused fingers a rough yet comforting feeling against your skin. "So, please, call me Mo'gara."

A small, nervous chuckle leaves you, and you nod, although, on the inside, you were panicking over the gruff and guttural sound of her voice. Even when speaking naturally, she sounded so furious—why was that hot?

"Of course, I'm sorry, I'm a bit anxious about this!" You chuckle again, holding onto her hand and lightly running your thumb over her skin.

She offers a genuine smile before trailing her right hand up to your cheek, cupping it delicately.

"May I ease your nerves?"

She leans in and brushes her tusks against your neck; you crane your neck and exhale, crushing hard as her left-hand moves from your hand to your lower back, pulling you flush against her.

You're embarrassed at the whimper that comes from your mouth and the unintelligible sentence.

She laughs against your skin and growls, bitting at the soft flesh as she smoothly pulls you back into the cabin.

She effortlessly yanks you up with one arm and kicks the door shut

"I hope to have dessert before dinner if that doesn't bother you much..."

She catches your gaze, and you could practically see the flames dancing in her iris.

It looks like she wants you as her mate after all...

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