Nima (Vampire Queen) (PT3)

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(The love for Nima is strong y'all🥴)

"Y/n, mon chère, where have you ran off to?" Nima's voice carries through the estate, a certain fondness seeping through her words.

She was a vampire, so, of course, she could simply smell the air and find her beloved, but what was the fun in that?

Nima loved seeing your excited face whenever she found you; your delighted squeal that came with her wrapping her arms around your waist is what she lived for. In the distance, she could hear the pitter-patter of your feet hitting the wooden floor, your racing heartbeat, and fastened breaths as you gain closer to Nima.

"I'm here!" a resounding 'thump' follows closely after your exclamation, continued with a whimpering "ow..."

Nima freezes, her steps faltering into silenced shadow as the air flows with the smell of your blood, an animosity rooting thick in her veins, her very skin, which generally would be cold and unpleasant to the touch, burns warm, like a wildfire.

Green eyes glaze over with a promise of demise as she morphs into the shadows, appearing next to your downed form that laid delicately along the floor; Nima takes immediate notice of the small trickle of blood coming from your forehead, and she takes action.

Moving with silenced urgency, she crouches next to you, cradling your face in her hands as she examines the wound.

She could see the small cut just at your hairline; it wasn't anything too serious, but she still couldn't help her panic and outrage.

Nima begins to mumble incoherently in her native tongue, though you understood only a few words.


"More Careful."

And "Childproof."

You couldn't help the feeling of sadness overwhelm you, a small swell of doubt pinging in your chest.

She was unhappy. You just couldn't decipher if she were disappointed with you or angry over the fact that you got hurt.

You say nothing. Instead, you wipe away the tears and try your best to hold them back, putting on a brave face as Nima tenderly moves your hair away from the cut, taking the time to examine it before releasing a sigh of relief.

"Just a tiny cut; it'll heal in a week." She caresses your cheek and places a soft kiss on your eyebrow.

Nima stands to her feet and offers her hand down to you; you don't hesitate to take it. She pulls you to your feet with little effort and begins to guide you around the estate, taking you to a bathroom where she could bandage your cut.

She says nothing along the way, and you can't help but pause mid-step, the motion pulling on Nima's hand and halting her abruptly.

Her attention snaps back to you; curiosity gleaming in her eyes.


Her voice carried a softness you received all too often with Nima, but around others, she was stern and downright ruthless; the moment someone made a mistake, she wouldn't hesitate to punish them.

"Why do you treat me so differently from everyone else?"

For a moment, Nima entirely forgets of your clueless nature, one of the fundamental reasons she has become so incredibly enamored by you.

Nima found it oddly adorable that something so obvious could be laid before you, and your brain wouldn't discern it for its true nature; much rather, she figured out that being truthful and as honest as possible helped you understand better.

She couldn't play mind games, nor could she pull her normal threatening behavior as she did with her servants, and trust me, she tried to play with your mind, but it went unnoticed by you entirely, and it didn't affect you.

So, Nima had to put it with you straight — erm, well, not straight, but you know what I mean.

"Because I like you." She states, watching your head tilt to the side as you mindlessly continue to hold her hand.

Nima could see the gears turning in your brain, your eyes darting from left, then to the right, and then back to Nima.

"Like as in..." You struggle to find the words, thinking over the possibilities of what 'like' meant.

Nima doesn't allow your mind to wander far as she tugs you by your hand, and you stumble into her body, her arm coming around your waist as she dips you backward and holds you up.

"Was what I said in the car unclear?"

Nima takes her time, relishing in the uncertainty she gave you with her deliberately intimidating and suspenseful phrases and actions.

She caresses her hand over the soft skin of your cheek and grins, the corners of her eyes creasing.

"I said that if you'd be a good girl, then I'd reward you."

She doesn't explain further, but she also doesn't move away.

You open your mouth and stutter, momentarily finding it tough to speak with her undivided attention set on you.

She chuckles and shakes her head, amused by your nervousness.

"Do you think you've been good..."

She reveals her fangs and hisses, drawing down her face to your neck while grazing her teeth over the collum of your throat.

She could feel your heart race like that of a rabbit, finally losing the chase, and the only thing left to do was to bite down.

"...or have you been bad?"

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