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The door opened in front of Jisung and a small figure was visible on the other end. As soon as the clock tower sounded, he had walked out of his room and right across, so did Chenle. They both walked forwards towards the middle. Chenle was wearing a night gown, while Jisung had decided to keep his pants and shoes on. Jisung looked Chenle over and giggled at his attire. Chenle playfully punched his chest from their distance.

"Don't laugh at me. You were the one who decided to meet at midnight. I was falling asleep." Chenle grumbled. Jisung internally cooed at the sleepy Chenle. He was acting a bit drowsy.

"Then let's make it quick." Jisung began. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "I really like you." He did feel shy, but at this point, he was almost desperate and anyways, he felt comfortable enough to tell Chenle that, surprisingly.

"You hardly know me." Chenle countered, rubbing his eye with a fist.

"I'd like to." Jisung smiled.

Chenle stared at Jisung's cute smile. He had an urge to spend time with this boy. He wanted to go on walks with him, to hold his hand, to become his best friend, to create adventure and mischief together, and to ease each other's life burden. Jisung noticed the staring and raised a brow at Chenle.

"Jaemin told me you were ecstatic to be in a castle. I want to show you around if you let me. Do you trust me?" Jisung said, holding a hand out as offering for Chenle to take. Chenle stared at his hand in hesitation. Did he trust Jisung? He just met him. He barely started trusting his step-brothers. However, Jisung had never done him wrong. He had treated him with kindness from the start. He treated him as an equal, and continued to do so, never once did he treat him as a servant boy.

"I'd like to." Chenle said, mimicking Jisung's words from earlier, despite how sleepy he was. He placed his hand on top of Jisung's, once again, feeling the softness he liked. Jisung started pulling him away while he quickly walked which was, by the way, too fast for Chenle. Chenle squeezed the large hand and pulled it a bit. The tall boy turned and realized the other struggling to keep up. He chuckled and adjusted his speed to match Chenle's. They were now walking side by side.

Jisung showed him around the castle. He would walk into a room and obnoxiously explain what it was for, even if it was obvious. Chenle just watched him in amusement. Chenle was afraid of Jisung bringing up what we said at dinner, but Jisung was too embarrassed to even bring it up since he had also been exposed. So instead, they avoided that topic and talked about the kingdom instead.

"This is the kitchen. This is where our servants cook. I used to come in here and ask to help, but I suck at it." Jisung laughed.

They moved on to the dinning room. "This is the dinning room. I usually eat here with my friends and dad, but today we had guests who ate with us." Jisung said.

"Where the guests nice?" Chenle asked, playing along.

"They were. One of them caught my eye though, I couldn't stop staring at him." Chenle frowned but couldn't hide his blush. "He was so short." Jisung continued in mock surprise, shaking his head. "No, you're just freakishly tall." Chenle laughed and followed Jisung through the castle.

Jisung showed him his fencing room. He showed him a grand hall of portraits, Chenle made fun of Jisung's portrait saying he looked "so serious" and so not like how he really is. He showed around rooms until he came upon an empty room with only a piano.

"Now this room," Jisung smiled gently. "This was where my mom spent hours. She loved to play the piano. I tried to learn myself, but it's very difficult. She passed away before she could teach me. No one else really gets to use it now." Jisung said with a sad smile.

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