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"And how would I be sure you won't back out again, Chenle?" Jisung's father asked. Chenle felt Jisung tighten his hold on his hand.


"I'm asking Chenle."

"Because...because he already proposed, and I already agreed." Chenle raised his hand that was intertwined in Jisung's and held it up to show that yes, they were holding hands now, but also, Chenle's hand had the small, glimmering, humble engagement ring from his mother, indicating that they were bound by engagement.

Jisung's father walked closer, in no rush, and examined the ring on Chenle's ring finger. Jisung kept their hands intertwined but he could feel himself growing nervous.

"Chenle, you'll stay next to Jisung from now on?" Mr. Park asked.

"Yes, of course." Chenle nodded, lowering their hands.

"Very well then, it's nice to mee you, Chenle." Jisung's father smiled. "You'll get married tomorrow, then."

"Tomorrow?" Chenle asked in shock.

"Yes, if you're so sure, then it shouldn't be an issue right? I need Jisung married as soon as possible so he can start running the kingdom. Though it would've been nice if you hadn't second guessed so much and had saved us the trouble. You'll be his aid. Jisung's told me great things about you. I wouldn't have let him marry you if it weren't for him. He convinced me by telling me how courageous and kind you were. I'll believe my son. I have not choice anyways. I won't be around soon."

Jisung's father went up to Chenle and Jisung. Chenle glanced at Jisung to see the slightly solemn look on his face. He ruffled Jisung's nicely done hair, then patted Chenle's shoulder.

"I'll have Mark start organizing everything."

Jisung's father walked off. He left two boys behind. As soon as his footsteps were gone, Chenle gasped.

"We're getting married tomorrow?"

"Of course we are. What did you expect? This is why I had been pestering you so much to marry m- Chenle?" Jisung turned to see Chenle with wide eyes still staring off. "Chenle, you can still back out if you want..."

Chenle turned to Jisung and gave him a look. "Are you crazy? Of course I'm not backing out." Chenle grabbed both of Jisung's hands and looked him in the eyes. "I'm just nervous. I thought I would get a chance to be your fiancé for a bit longer and learn how to act as a couple, but we're hardly friends, and the barrier between friends and marriage is a wide barrier."

"Are we really just friends, though?" Jisung chuckled awkwardly.

"I mean...we haven't done anything romantic, have we?"

"You don't think we've done anything romantic?" Jisung frowned.

"Um...I..." Chenle closed his eyes, but his mind was blank.

"Chenle, did we not dance together under a moon?"

"Well, ye-"

"Did we not hold hands and kiss at late hours of the night where we spent full nights together?"


"Did you not give me a pet name?" Jisung laughed in disbelief.


"Didn't you break into the ball just so I could propose to you?" Jisung frowned, pulling his hands away from Chenle. He sighed in exasperation. Chenle let out a noise similar to a whimper.

"Did you not tell me you could love me as everything and claim me as yours?" Jisung looked sad now. "Chenle, I've been really patient. Why is it that you don't see everything that I'm doing too?"

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