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"Chenle, please wait!" Jisung called, but Chenle had already ran very far off. He groaned in frustration. He clenched his fists and that's when he realized the tightness on his pinky finger. He stared down at the ring Chenle put on him and then he felt worse.

He knew Chenle would want this back. He took a deep breath and went back into the palace. He wasn't going to give up. He knew the name of the boy. He knew what he looked like, it might have been dark, but he remembers at least his voice. He knew-

He knows Chenle met Jeno! He knows he's Jaemin and Donghyuk's step-brother!

Jisung ran inside and looked everywhere he could. He squinted, trying to spot any of the three. His step-brothers probably left too so hoped for Jeno. He had to at least give Chenle his ring back or find out if they could meet again. He was desperate, because his connection with Chenle was so oddly serendipitous, as if they were meant to meet but never knew it.

He got many odd looks from people but he sprinted. He ran up the stairs to get a better view of the palace.

"What are you doing?" He heard Mark's voice ask him.

"Have you seen Jeno?"

"Jeno? He went upstairs somewhere, I think. He looked a little up-"

"Thanks Mark." Jisung went up the second row of stairs to where he was sure Jeno would be. He knocked on the room when he got there and walked in to see Jeno punching a punching bag with great force. A scowl was etched onto his face.

"Jeno..." Jisung spoke, calmly. He was afraid of Jeno when he was upset. It didn't happen often but it was terribly frightening when it did. Jeno stayed quiet and Jisung decided he needed to take a breather anyway, so he waited. He watched Jeno punch with force as he grew impatient, but waited, because he knew how his friend was.

He watched as Jeno finally let out a loud sigh and took off his gloves. Jisung just gulped and kept waiting, twiddling around with the ring, barely holding onto his pinky. "He left without even saying bye." Jeno started. "He seemed more interested in dancing with you and you just disappeared out of nowhere, so he just danced with me."

"Jeno, that's not true." Jisung started. "I had to dance with everyone. If he hadn't wanted to dance with you, he would have said no."

"That still doesn't explain why he ran off to leave. All he did was give me a sympathy look and left running." Jeno said, running a hand through his hair. Jisung sighed. Jeno was too insecure for his own good. He was a good guy though and he was sure Jaemin liked Jeno too and if he didn't, then that was his loss.

"Jeno...I have to tell you something. I might have a clue as to why he left running." Jisung started, carefully. Jeno laughed back sarcastically but sat down on a bench, ready to hear Jisung's explanation.

"I danced with his step-brother, Chenle. He said he met you." Jisung looked at Jeno searching for an answer.

"Oh, yeah. He was alone for some reason. I don't think I ever saw him dance with you though, now that I think about it." Jeno said, frowning.

"That's the thing...I did dance with Chenle. When I disappeared, I had gone out to the garden for some fresh air from all the guests. When I found him standing by himself in the dark, I asked him to dance." Jisung said shyly, avoiding eye contact. He could feel his cheeks burn.

"You?? You asked him to dance?!" Jeno looked shocked and it was understandable. Jisung was usually too shy. That's why his father had to organize a whole dance in order to make him talk to someone. The ball was usually for nobility and hardly a ball, but Jisung asked to invite everyone. He wanted his friends to be able to attend and experience a ball. He also didn't want to always be the center of attention in a smaller group.

"I did. Jeno, it was...I don't even know how to describe it, but I loved it. There was no spotlight on me. Chenle didn't even know who I was. I had to introduce myself to him like a normal person. We had a lot in common too and Chenle is just...breathtaking if I'm honest." Jisung didn't even care how whipped he sounded. It was all true and he knew Jeno understood.

"I get it...but you barely met, and you sound like you're in love and...you know your father wants you to marry a prince or a princess." Jeno spoke in disbelief.

"I know. I know. Listen though, I would rather marry Chenle in a day than anyone else I danced with. If my dad wants me to pick a spouse, then I'd rather it be someone I actually connected with, not some girl or guy trying to wow me with their outfit full of money. I'll make him understand that. I won't just let him choose who I marry." Jisung said.

"Woah....Jisung, I didn't know you were a romantic." Jeno started in awe. Jisung just smiled down at the ring. "So, where is Chenle now? You should be with him instead of me...or did he leave you too?" Jeno smiled sadly.

"He ran off when the clock tower started ringing. You know how it does that at midnight? He said he had to go or he'd get in trouble with his step-mother, which I'm assuming is Jaemin's mom."

"Jaemin did the same thing, so I'm guessing their mother is just very strict then."

"Well sure, but it seemed a bit odd to me the way Chenle reacted. He looked almost... afraid. The way he said it too. He said: "My step-mother will be furious if I'm not home." It seems like he wasn't even allowed to be out. You don't just leave like that unless you're really going to get in trouble. I offered to give him a ride too, which would definitely have gotten him there faster, but he turned down my offer. I can't think of a reasoning for that though." Jisung said, analyzing everything. He was stunned by the cheek kiss, but now, he could think more clearly about what had happened.

Jeno was shocked. Jisung wasn't the brightest at times, but he did pay attention when he cared. Jeno had experienced it first hand and now he was seeing Jisung's observance towards Chenle, the boy he just met. It was remarkable how smart Jisung was with emotions and people.

Jisung didn't have very many friends but the ones he did have, he seemed to be able to pick up on their emotions easily and remember small details of the people he loved, like how he always remembers people's birthdays and could tell which of his loved ones like hugs, before he had even hugged them. He did have his flaws though, like his overpowering curiosity and his inability to focus on things he didn't find interesting and also how disorganized he always was. To Jeno though, Jisung was just too kind-hearted and humble and his awkward tendencies just made him charming and adorable. Jisung was truly a Prince Charming. He was so beloved by those around him.

"Chenle is a lucky guy." Jeno thought to himself.

Jisung looked up to see a smiling Jeno and quirked a brow. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing. Are we going to go hunt for you Princess now?" Jeno joked.

"Although he is very pretty, he's a boy, don't misgender him." Jisung joked back.

"Are you going to go look for him?" Jeno asked.

"I can't just show up unannounced! What if his step-mother doesn't like me, then what will I do?!"

"Jisung, calm down, you're literally the prince. If she doesn't like you, then she'll like your money for sure." At that, the two laughed. "But, why are you worried about if his step-mom will like you and not where Chenle lives?"

"I thought you would know because of Jaemin!" Jisung groaned.

"No clue. I've only seen him a couple times." Jeno shrugged. "We'll figure it out though. We always do."

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