Good bye!

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Thank you for taking the time to read my book! It means a lot! (:

Maybe I will write an epilogue or other future chapters just for fun, but for now, this book is finished!

If there are any questions, please let me know. If this story has errors or plot holes, please let me know. I'm trying my best to improve, as I am not a professional heh.

I'll most likely write other future books, so please look forward to them!

Or not lol.

If there are any questions you would want to ask the characters, ask ahead. I'll try to answer as the character would want me to haha.

If this book made you ever cringe, you're not alone. 😶

I won't bring down my work, but I just know I'm embarrassed about it. (,:

See you later, little otters (:<

-Ottokajae 💕

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