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A week.

That's all Jisung was allowed to give Chenle before he had to move on. Things were difficult now though. He couldn't just sit and spend time with him. He had to take care of the kingdom, especially now that his father was likely going to pass away soon. Still, he did beg Donghyuk and Jaemin to convince Chenle to stay for the week.

Jisung was very busy by day and decided he would go eat upstairs with his father for dinner, leaving everyone else to eat dinner together. It was very rare for him to see Chenle and his step-siblings during daytime. Somehow, Chenle was convinced enough to stay for the week. They had no other place to go to anyway, except for back home, and Chenle was dreading it, despite him feeling so undeserving of being in a castle.

Perhaps, Chenle was even more convinced because of someone tall and adorable who spoke to him sweetly and didn't force a marriage upon him. Chenle was enamoured with Jisung's way of being. The night after Jisung and Chenle met up at the struck of midnight started a routine of many days.

The next night that the tower sounded, Jisung and Chenle both walked out of their room without a second thought. Jisung almost wanted to tease Chenle, but he was just really happy to see him. Chenle shyly walked up to Jisung and took his hand in his. Jisung could feel his heart leap at the action. They both walked quietly as if they understood what was happening. So by day, while Jisung was working hard to learn the ropes of being king, he was also sleeping late and meeting with Chenle at night.

Jisung took them to the garden on that second night and gifted Cherle a blood red rose. They talked about the day they met and they got to hold hands the whole night. Jisung walked Chenle to his room like before and kissed his forehead again, leaving a flustered Chenle and a Jisung that was slowly getting more confident.

On the second night, Jisung took Chenle to the ballroom and they sat in the dim lighting from the moon and stars. On this night, Chenle didn't want to talk much, so they sat in silence and stared at the moon through the window. That night Jisung decided not to give Chenle a kiss on the forehead. He didn't know how much Chenle had missed the touch.

On the third night, Chenle told Jisung he wanted to play the piano again. Jisung sat quietly next to him as Chenle played. It was a gift in itself to see Chenle look at peace. He hated to imagine this precious person being hurt over and over. Whoever could do such a thing was the devil himself. That night, Jisung kissed Chenle's milky white piano hands down to his fingertips. Chenle gasped at the action and had an urge to kiss him back, but decided he had enough restraint not to.

On the fourth night, Jisung brought some champagne that he took and he poured them a glass at a small table in a quiet corner of the castle. Whispers and murmurs of innocent things were exchanged. They struggled to keep quiet as the alcohol overtook them. Jisung helped little Chenle stumble back to his room. Before Chenle entered, he pulled Jisung down sluggishly to press a kiss to his "mousy nose," as he called it. "See you tomorrow, my mouse." He whispered, giggling at a flustered Jisung.

On the fifth night, Jisung walked out and dragged his body towards the meeting place, where his heart had led him once again. Chenle looked him over worriedly. He had spent many nights awake to the deadliest hours with Chenle and waking up at the darkest of mornings, leaving him sleepier as the days went by. Chenle frowned and dragged him by the hand back to his bedroom. He urged Jisung to go to sleep.

"But I want to be with you." Jisung sleepily mumbled, his eyes closing.

"But you need sleep more than you need me."

"No," Jisung whispered shaking his head. "let's go dance or something. I can show you some rooms or we can talk in the garden or..."

"Or we can sleep." Chenle grumpily answered.

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