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The plan was to distract their mother. They had made a plan in order to get Chenle safely in the house. They would ring the doorbell and distract their mother while Chenle walked through the back door. They were almost certain their mother was home. It was lucky mother never checked on Chenle. The plan was foolproof. Was.

When Donghyuk and Jaemin rung the doorbell, no one answered. They rang it again and still no answer. They had told Chenle to go in a few seconds after he heard the doorbell. They expected their mother to come to the front door and open it, but why wasn't the door being opened?

They considered the idea that maybe their mother wasn't home. They were about to open the front door, when they heard a loud voice through the door speaking.

"It's open!"

The two looked at each other before Donghyuk opened the door. They went inside to see their mother sitting on the couch of the living room by the entrance, but shock was written on their faces once they noticed she wasn't alone. They stood by awkwardly as their mother stared back at them.

"Chenle here decided to leave without permission. I caught him trying to sneak back in." Their mother spoke calmly. Jaemin turned to Chenle to see him calm. He wasn't crying or anything. He looked dazed. He was most likely shocked. Mother wouldn't go easy on him for something like this.

"Do you two know anything about this?" She asked. Her hand was on Chenle's wrist, digging her sharp nails into him.

"They don't." Chenle said immediately. Donghyuk and Jaemin looked at each other in shock. Chenle was protecting them. To Chenle though, he wanted so badly for his step-siblings to like him and keep being nice to him. It felt good to have someone at his side. He would be on their side too if they let him.

"Very well then, Chenle, no food for a week." His step mother spoke calmly. It was more scary when she spoke calmly. "You need to be in your room when you're finished with your chores everyday. I don't want to see you out here after you're done. I'll decide what to do if I see you. I don't know where you got those clothes but I want them returned, you thief. A worthless child like you does not need nice clothes wasted on them."

"Yes ma'am." Chenle spoke quietly as a single tear fell down his cheek. He looked so sad. Even Donghyuk wanted to help. They would only get Chenle in worse trouble if they tried to help. They knew their mother. If she knew they helped him, she would call Chenle a manipulator. They could definitely overpower her if they wanted, but she was still their mother, and Chenle wouldn't even like that, anyway. He was too kind.

"Go to your rooms." She said.

They followed her orders and left quickly. Chenle almost sprinting upstairs into his room. Jaemin went into his room and felt really bad. This had been his idea. He felt bad for not taking responsibility. He said he would be a brother to Chenle now, but his mother....his mother was all he had left. He understood Chenle when his father died. Both him and Donghyuk knew what it was like to loose a parent.

Their father was the bravest person Jaemin knew. He wished he was more like his father who went off to war for their country. He was fearless and knew what was right or wrong. In Jaemin's eyes, he was a role model. He wished he could stand up for Chenle, his father would have been proud. Chenle's father was kind too, but he didn't feel close to Jaemin. He knew he had a soft spot for his true beloved son, Chenle.

When both of them passed, their mother was no longer the same. She barely paid attention to them, but to Chenle...she mistreated him in so many ways. Some of them give Jaemin chills. His mother must have something else up her sleeve than just starving Chenle. She's too cruel to just do that.

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