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Chenle was awoken by people swarming into his room. They pulled him out of bed and made him start his day. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to see Jisung until they were at the altar. It was supposed to be bad luck to do so. Well, he thought that was strange but went along with it.

They had him showered and cleaned. They even fixed up his nails. His hair was done nicely. His outfit was chosen out along with jewelry. He wore a white suit. It wasn't just any white suit, though. It was smooth and brand new. It had been ironed to perfection and the material was soft to the touch. He felt a bit out of place in it, but it was undoubtedly beautiful. The servants complimented him on how good he looked. He thanked everyone individually and apologized when he felt like he got in the way.

"You don't need to thank us so much." An older woman spoke. Chenle smiled at her shyly.

They were soon finished and Chenle felt tired. He wanted to sit down a bit longer, but was pulled off his chair to stand. Then, Donghyuk and Jaemin walked into the room. He looked at them in awe. They each wore suits that were a silky cream color.

"You guys look amazing!" Chenle cheered.

"Us? You look better, sunshine." Jaemin smiled.

"I thought that was my special nickname." Donghyuk mumbled. Jaemin shoved him lightly.

"Anyway, everyone is already ready! We brought someone too. You can come in Yeri!" Jaemin called.

A girl who looked around their age, maybe a bit older, walked in. She smiled shyly and walked up to Chenle, then did a curtsy. She had on such a cute cream colored dress. The bottom was puffed up. It looked like she was wearing a wedding dress almost, if it weren't for the color not being completely white.

"Huh?" Chenle frowned.

"Your highness, I am princess Yerim. I met Jisung at the ball and we got along pretty well. We both decided to marry since we had a similar situation, but he told me about you changing your mind."

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Chenle bowed. "I just-"

"I really don't mind! In fact, I'm happy for you two. The reason I'm here, your highness, is to ask to be a bridesmaid. See, Jisungs has Jeno, Renjun, and Mark, but you only have two, so if it's okay with you, I would like to request to be a bridesmaid." Yeri smiled kindly. "Maybe I also got a bit too excited." Yeri added, playing with the hem of her dress.

"Of course you can be a bridesmaid!" Chenle smiled. He was honestly excited to have someone added to the team. "Why do you keep calling me 'your highness', though? You are a princess and I am just a commoner."

"Once you marry Jisung, he will soon be crowned king. With you alongside, you will rule with him and also be king. I wanted to be the first to get to call you that. You are not just a commoner Chenle, Jisung told me all about you. You two are the cutest!" Yeri smiled and Chenle couldn't help the big grin that spread across his face.

"I'm glad you think so." Chenle sighed, "By the way, you look so cute!"

Chenle was basically ready, at least physically, but mentally, not really. He stared at the two large wooden doors that were waiting to be opened. He had an idea of what the other side would look like, but he wasn't sure if he was completely ready to see Jisung in this way.

In a couple of hours, he'll be wed to Jisung....

The love of his life?

Maybe not...

Yet, at least

His best friend?

At this point, probably

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