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"Make sure you wash my clothes after that, did you hear?" His step-mother spoke before leaving Chenle alone to clean the floors with nothing but a towel and a bucket. Chenle sighed, but smiled to again be alone. These were moments he cherished, when he could clean alone, in peace.

He had lived with his step-mother long enough to be used to her. She made him clean the whole mansion almost every day. They had money, but not wealthy enough to afford maids, so she made Chenle do the job and treated him worse than a maid. His fingers were calloused and his hands rough from his work. The smell of soap and cleaner were his lotion and perfume.

He often missed his father when it would get too tough. He was kind and patient and gentle, all qualities he taught to Chenle. Chenle wanted to be just like him. The day he died was the day everything began. His step-mother became cruel. His step-brothers were no longer his friends. Although, they weren't as cruel as his step-mother, they were an honorable mention of his misery.

The boy kept washing the floor until he heard dreadful noises from upstairs. His step-brothers were once again having their music lessons. It wasn't that they couldn't sing, Chenle believes everyone can sing. It was just that Jaemin wasn't particularly good at singing on key and although Donghyuk was better, he was learning the flute and that didn't sound particularly well.

Chenle took a deep breath and tried to enjoy his bit of peace from them by distracting himself. He started to sing, trying to drown out their sounds. He smiled at his reflection on the floor. It was now clean and he could move to a different spot. The boy sang and cleaned and pretty soon the work went by quicker. When he was pretty much done, he heard a knocking on the door.

Chenle dusted off his pants and walked over to open it. There was a well-dressed gentleman on the other side who began to speak. "This is an urgent message from your highness, the king...It's an invitation." The man shrugged, handing the envelope he was holding. Chenle took it and thanked him before he left.

As soon as he left, the excited boy walked upstairs to where his step-family was. He bowed in apology before handing the envelope to his step-mother. "It's from the palace." Her face changed from anger, to curiosity as she opened the envelope and began to read aloud.

"It is a pleasure to invite every young male and female of every race and tongue around, to attend a ball in honor of the Prince's birthday." After she read the letter, his step-brothers gasped.

"Wow. I can just imagine dancing all night with the prince." Jaemin said, picking up the cat and dancing about.

"Who said he's dancing all night with you, rabbit-faced freak." Donghyuk said, snatching the cat and dancing with her instead. While they were fighting, Chenle excitedly spoke.

"Well, that means, I can go too!" The all turned to him and stared before they started laughing.

"I even think Jaemin has more of a chance than you." Haechan cackled.

"Oh, Prince, will you hold my rags and broom~" Jamin played along.

"Well, isn't it a royal command? I should have the chance to go too. It's not like I really want to dance with the prince anyways." Chenle shrugged, trying to be convincing, "I would just like to see what a ball is like, that's all. I'll stay out of your way if that's what you want." He said, almost pleading, but not quite wanting to stoop so low.

"Hm...well then, sure, you can go..." His step-mother said. "Thank you." he said, immediately, in awe. "But...only after you finish all of your chores and if you find something suitable enough to wear." She continued, but Chenle was still glad she had said yes.

Chenle cleaned and cleaned all day after that, almost never taking a break. He even skipped a meal. As he cleaned, he wondered what he would wear. There was nothing he could think of. When he was done with his chores, he felt sad at his lack of an outfit. He walked into his small and dusty room in the attic and into the small wardrobe.

Nothing. There was nothing suitable. He took out the very little amount of clothes he had and nothing was formal enough to wear. He sat down on the floor and started to tear up involuntary. Chenle really didn't want to cry. He wanted to stay the positive Chenle he always was, but right now he was beginning to lose hope.

Just then, the door was opened, after he heard heavy footsteps, already giving him an idea of who it was. He wiped his tears before standing up to be face-to-face with Jaemin. Jaemin had his usual narcissistic face on display, ready to speak, before he faltered. He looked at Chenle and didn't speak.

"Have you been crying?" He asked, in shock.

"No. I never cry." Chenle said, frowning.

"That's why it's so weird. I've literally never seen you cry..." Jaemin stared at him for a bit.

"Well, go on, what do you need?" Chenle spoke, annoyed. He was really annoyed now, not even able to suck it up to Jaemin.

"Um...I was going to ask you to do something."

"What is it?"

"Chenle...what's wrong?" Jaemin asked, catching Chenle off guard. He walked forward hesitantly and put a hand on Chenle's shoulder, unsure of how to comfort him, rarely having shown affection to his step-brother.

"Nothing's wrong. Go get ready for the stupid ball. It's starting soon." Chenle sniffled, lightly pushing Jaemin's hand off.

"You're not going?" Jaemin asked.

"Of course not." Chenle grumbled.

He watched as Jaemin looked behind him at his bed. The clothes were still scattered were he had left them. The old ripped pants and tattered shirts with wrinkles and holes were still laying there in despair. Jaemin cleared his throat before looking back at Chenle.

"Come on." Jaemin took a hold of Chenle's wrist and started walking out the door. Chenle resisted at first, but Jaemin kept a grip that was almost gentle, and to Chenle, it felt kind. He still remained on his guard though as he followed him through the house. He was afraid Jaemin would humiliate him, maybe take him to Donghyuk so they can laugh at him together.

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