cotton candy

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⚠️⚠️ smut warning ⚠️⚠️

Nico pulled himself away from Will’s lips, not without difficulty.

“You know”, he said, their noses pressed against each other, their mouths still almost touching, “It’s not that I don’t enjoy making out with you, but why did you bring us here? My bed is far more comfortable.”

They were in the infirmary, Will laying on his back on one of the beds, Nico astride him, stroking Will’s hip bones with his thumbs.

Will smirked.

“Well, Ghost King, you know what date it is, right?”

Nico focused and tried to remember. Were they the 22? The 23 maybe?

Suddenly, he remembered. He looked up at Will and smiled.

“We’re the 23. It’s been four years today, since we’ve met…”

Will smiled back at Nico, his hand pressed against his cheeks.

“And, does this place remind you of something?” Will asked.


A wave of memories went through Nico’s mind. He remembered four years ago when Will ordered him three days of rest at the infirmary because of his “shadow-travel issues”. How, on the second day, he noticed his heartbeat going faster whenever Will provided him some care. How, on the third day, he faked still feeling sick just so he could spend more time with the boy he had brutally fallen for.

“This is where I realized I was in love with a fucking goth nerd.” Will said.

“Shut up, Sun Baby.”

“Hell Boy.”


“Underworld Dickbag”

“Sunny Pisslord”

“Dead Riser Asshole”

“Okay, enough,” Nico laughed, lazily pressing his lips against Will’s in a sloppy kiss. “But,” he continued, “are you sure no one’s going to enter?”

“Yes, Nico. I’m the one on infirmary duty at this time but there’s literally no one in need of a doctor at camp right now. I'm not even required to be here. We’ve got the whole place to ourselves.”

There were indeed not a lot of people at camp during winter. Most campers were away at school during that time.

Will didn’t let Nico answer and immediately went back to kissing him.

Nico shrugged, too turned on and excited at the idea of spending time alone with his lover to care about the consequences. He stroked Will’s chest under his t-shirt and removed it before tossing it away. He had always liked feeling Will’s bare skin against him: his warmth was a lot more concentrated this way and he was soft, oh! so voluptuously soft. Will didn’t lose much time either and removed Nico’s shirt immediately after that, reinforcing their intimacy. Nico started giving kisses down Will’s jawline, going down on his neck, and then on his chest, while feeling his hair being fondled.

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