another trans nico part 2

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So I have no idea how many parts of this I'll be doing
Nico's pov
I get out of bed quietly so will won't realize I'm gone.
We've been dating for 6 months now and he really makes me happy,we've never gone beyond making out cause I said I wanted to wait till I was comfortable with having sex for obvious reasons.
I grab some clothes and a binder from my closet and rush into bathroom.
I have a quick shower and change.
When i walk out all clean and dressed I see that Will is sitting up in bed on his phone (the hephestus cabin made one for everyone that are monster proof) and looks up when i walk in.
"Hey,that's the third time you've done that this week" he said
"Do what?" I ask trying to act innocent knowing what he's taking about.
"You know getting up before me to go to the bathroom"
"Well i needed to have a shower so why not just get changed in the same place" I said trying not to sound suspicious as i walked over to him and sat besides him. We sat on the bed for a while just cuddling when will started to rub his hands over my sides.
"Will" I said warning him, but he didn't listen and just continued. Then his hand was dangerously close to my binder.
"Will stop" I said moving away from him.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Just dont do that,it makes me uncomfortable"
"Right,sorry" he said titling his head down and pouted.
That was adorable I think and move back besides him.
"I should get up,I've gotta go work in the infirmary soon" he says muttering the last part.
"Ok,I'll meet you in the pavalion" I said
"Sure see you there" he said back kissing my lips gentally.
And I left.
I found Jason,Percy and Piper at the 'big three table' talking about something I grabbed a plate of pancakes and sat with them.
"Hiya Neeks" Piper said cheerfully" What's up?"
"Will" I mutter
"What about him? He didn't hurt you did he?" Jason said. I shook my head
"No,how can I tell him? I mean we've been dating for 6 months and i think he's getting sexually frustrated with me"
"Just tell him,he's not going to reject you" piper said
"But what if he does and then tells all of camp"
"He won't trust me"
"Yeah yeah yeah, i just need to find the best time to tell him" I said
"Tell me what?" I heard Will say behind me.
Fuck I thought
"N-Nothing" I stuttered out.
"Sure" he said a bit disappointed and sat besides me grabbing some food of my plate.
Fuck that was close I thought and continued to eat my pancakes.
We all ate in silence until Will announced that he was going to the infirmary to work.
"I'll see you later right?" I asked as he got up
"Yeah,once my shift is over I'll come and find you"he said back kissing my lips gentally.
"Yeah right" I mumbled as he walked away.

Afew hours later

I was in the fighting arena teaching the younger campers with annabeth how to fight with a sword and dagger.
When the lesson ended I turned around to see will sitting on one of the benches. I walk over to him as he stood up.
"Hey" he said scratching the back if his neck.
"Hi,you wanna go back to my cabin?"
"Sure" he said and we made our way back to the hades cabin after saying goodbye to annabeth of course.

We arrived in the hades cabin and we both sat on my bed in the corner.
"What's up? You've been of all day"i ask will.
"Are you hiding something from me nico?"
"Why would I?"
"I over heard some of your conversion that you were having with Piper,Jason and Percy this morning"
"I'm not ready to tell you that though"
"Nico I thought we got over that part of our relationship, no more secrets"
"I'll tell you just promise me not to tell anyone else"i said looking him dead in his eyes
"You know i wouldnt tell anyone your personal stuff" he said completing our eye contact
"I'm a trans male"i muttered looking at my hands that rest in my lap
"I'm a trans male"i said a little louder still looking at my lap,tears welling in my eyes. Will didn't even say anything he just pulled me into his lap and ushered calming stuff into my ears to calm me down.
Once I had calmed down I looked up at him.
"Y-you don't h-hate me" I stuttered
"Nico why would I hate you for being trans, i don't care about you gender I care about your personality" he said back, i smiled back at him and got up so i could straddle his lap.
"Thank you" I mutter in his ear.

So that was stressful to write beacuse I don't exactly have a 'posting time'.
Please vote if you want me to do another trans nico chapter and comment if you have any ideas for a story line (eg binder problems,period,swimming) that sort of thing.
Please give me ideas.

Edited June 2nd 2020

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