the chronicals of n&w chapter 19

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This is the last chapter btw. And just a reminder this isn't my work. It's on fanfiction net.



Are you sure this is the place? Doesn't really look like the stomping grounds for a love goddess.

I Although I'd initially been apprehensive toward the idea of using telepathy to communicate, I had to admit that it was useful in situations where we had to be on high alert.

Trust me, she's definitely been here recently. Besides, she's hung around an old waterpark before. Why not an abandoned carnival?

How recently? Leo raised an eyebrow skeptically, eyeing our surroundings with distaste.

I shot him a glance. Within the last day for sure.

How do you know?

"Gods, Leo, I can sense traces of her everywhere! Open your eyes!" I snapped, unable to hold my silence any longer.

"Careful, Nico. You can't afford to get angry and lose control. I need you with your sanity intact right now."

"Sorry, you're right. For once." I replied, properly chastened.

Leo let out a huff of laughter, his sudden intensity evaporating as quickly as it had come. "Losing your touch? That didn't smart quite as much as it could've."

"My intention wasn't to roast you into the ground. It's called teasing, Valdez."

"My bad. Some days I'm still not used to the fact that we're friends. The way you used to be, all scary and brooding… my memories latch onto that version of you with overwhelming clarity. It also might have a bit to do with the whole demon thing."

I shrugged. "I don't blame you. Some days I barely even recognize myself. I'm not just referring to the demon thing, either."

We made our way over to the ticket booth. A small bell sat upon the desk, and before I could stop him, Leo rang it.

Inside of the booth, the lights came on. A disturbingly realistic animatronic man came to life and grinned at them.

That's my dad's work, I'd bet my bottom dollar on it. Leo told me, seamlessly switching back to speaking telepathically.

"Oh shit. Shit, shit shit." I muttered.


That's Hymenaios. The god of marriage ceremonies.

Oh. That's not good.

"Hymen here, representative of Lord Hymenaios! Thank you for choosing Aphrodite's Marriage Services! Your wedding will begin shortly!"

I cleared my throat. "Short and to the point. Classy. Well, looks like we should be heading off…"

Hymen's smile turned menacing. "You can't back out of a reservation!"

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