He's in a what!!??!!part 1

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I don't usually do warnings but in this one i am,there is a mention of cutting and scars,sex,starving,depression and other stuff.

no one pov

Will had left for a quest with Katie gardener,daughter demeter and Daneil Smithe a son of Athena.They had left 2 weeks ago and it was only ment to last for a week at most,the quest was to retrieve one of Athena's favourite pet owls.
That took place in march.
Nico's pov
i was cleaning out my cabin when Austin came barging in hufing and pufing like crazy and blood splattered on his shirt like he'd just came out of surgery.I got up from where i was and walk up to him putting my hand on both of his shoulders. "Austin,calm down and tell me what happened"i said, "he's *pant* back *pant* Will's *pant* back" he panted. "wait why are you covered in blood then,is he alright,is he alive,what happened?"i said shaking his shoulders.Austin got his breath back.
"ill show you"he said and dragged me across camp to the infirmary,once we got there Kayla and Chiron gave me a sympathetic looks as a Austin pulled me through the infirmary and into wills office, he told me to sit and he sat behind the desk.
"will's in a coma"Austin said sadly"they were coming back from the quest,they were on the outskerts of new york when they go attacked, will tried to fight the giant,it sent threw him though 3 walls and out a window.im sorry Nico"he explained.
I stood up as calm as i could while putting on a somewhat straight face.
"can i see him?please"i asked.
Austin nodded and told me to follow him,we walked up a few corridors and up a set upstairs,to the private rooms for long term patients.

Austin opened the door for me and let me go in alone.
Will was lying on the bed,IV's,heart monitors and drips covered him,a feeding tub on him and a breathing mask on his mouth. Just seeing him like that make me break down. Austin gave me a sympethic look and left. I walked over to him breaking down.
"Oh will what did you do"i say crying and grabbing his hand.

Will's pov
Black.Everything was black.Black. No light no colour. I was just floating in a black hole.

Nico's pov
The next few months were torcher, i mostly stayed in the infirmary besides Will holding his hand; talking, singing, reading, even telling him some of my adventures that I wouldn't even tell my sister.
When I'd leave the infirmary the Ares kids would corner me calling me disgusting stuff(warning) like faggot,that i should have just died in tartarus,a fag,a piece of shit,the worst type homosexual and that i should be hanged or killed like i would have been in the time I was born.
Every night kayla would shove me out of the infirmary,no matter how much i'd beg and threation to raise a skeliton army she would refuse.
I'd never eat,i promised myself id only eat when i had my will back,but some days Jason and percy would make me eat as in they'd sit me down with a plate of food infront of me and i wouldn't be allowed up from that chair until id eaten it all and when i complained they'd say 'Will wouldn't have wanted you to starve yourself,when he wakes he'll want a healthy, not-trying-to-kill-himself boyfriend' but i didnt listen to them I'd just throw up any food they gave me anyway.
Suddenly i woke up screaming,heavy breathing and drenched in sweat.
"è ok nico, è ok volontà ok"
I mumbled to myself
"fottuti incubi"
(Translation: it's ok nico, it's ok wills ok, fucking nightmares)
I walk into the bathroom and look at me in the bathroom;more scars on my arms, my ribs are showing, my skin had gotten paller and i was just becoming a big fucking mess.
I sighed and washed my face with cold water(it was the middle of july now) i walked back into my bedroom and looked at the time 3:30AM,urgh i dont wanna go back to sleep,alot of nights are like this. I throw on my house coat over my bare chest and wills joggers and shadow travel to the infirmary.
I walk into Will's room and sat down beside him on the bed and i twirled his curly blonde hair between my fingers on my right hand while my left hand is holding his hand.
"I love you so much mi amore"i whisper "how much long are you gonna pain me will,please you've been gone for 5 months,please come back im horny and im depressed without you Will"i say and press a kiss to his forehead I grab the book from from his beside table harry potter and the goblet of fire.i take a breath in and start.
"Harry potter and the goblet of fire,
Chapter one,The Riddle House
The villagers of little hanglton still called it the Riddle House........"

A few hours later Kayla came in and caught me,she wasen't happy.
"Nico,we've talked about this,you can't just sneak in here when you feel like it and in the dead of night"she said. I was still sitting on the bed,one hand entangled in his hair the other holding his hand and the goblet of fire resting in my lap
"Why though?,why cant i see him in the dead if night after I've had a Fucking nighmare!"i shout.
"Because,anything could happen while your in here,he could wake up while you here,it's proven that coma patients most likely wake up when a loved one is around Nico."she screams back.
"Oh fuck of kayla"i shout "all you care about is about is your fucking brother waking up so you don't have to do extra shifts"
"Why don't you fuck off!!!"she screams and leaves slamming the door behind her.I calm myself and turn to will.
"im sorry you had to hear that"i say and sqeeze his hand. A few moments later i get a response,he sqeeze back.I smile for the first time in months.
"You responded"i whisper.
I sqeaze his hand and continue reading to him.

God i hope you come back soon.

Part 2 soon.

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