the chronicles of n&w part 6

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Nico's POV

I spent the first week being stunned by the emptiness of the camp. After that, I had taken to hanging out with Leo and Calypso, because they were some of the only people there. A certain Goddess also spoke to me concerning more important matters. Grover, Percy's satyr friend, became something of an acquaintance to me, and Jason visited every once in a while, although he spent most of his time with Piper and her dad or building shrines. Hazel told me that she'd visit once a month with Reyna and Frank. Percy and Annabeth were spending the first half of the year at his mom's house, and the second half at her dad's house.

I had Iris-messaged Will twice so far. We were both in our rooms, doors locked. It was kind of sad, because I wanted to at least be able to punch him in the shoulder when he made a really bad joke. Instead, I had to settle for my Death Glare, which didn't seem to be effective. It was probably because the intensity was diluted through the message, because I was definitely not going soft. He told me about his school, and how he and Cecil got to kill their least favorite teacher, who turned out to be a monster, and I told him about how it was in CHB during the school year. There were a few campers with no family to go back to, and we all became friends, lest we be completely lonely and isolated for around nine months. Strange how easily I can just call someone a friend now. Although to be honest, I could probably deal with being alone for a couple of months.

Chiron told us that we weren't required to train, but I did anyways. I sparred with an Ares girl named Kaylee Stormguarde. She kicks my derrière every time, but I bet her five drachmas that I could win by February.

I also learned a bunch about first aid from Alex Light, an Apollo boy with an ironic last name. Will is going to be impressed next summer.

Weeks turned into months, and my schedule stayed the same. Leo became a good friend, but things were getting boring. When Christmas Eve rolled around, I broke out my old aviator jacket, which would soon be too small. I decided to visit Will via Shadow travel, but my arrival was slightly less exciting when my ankle got twisted. Actually, I should be surprised that I easily traveled a thousand miles. But I shrugged it off. His mom, who was a nurse that looked almost exactly like Will and Apollo (except female), saw me randomly appear in her yard and flipped out until I explained that I wasn't a monster, but a demigod. Will healed me while ranting about how I shouldn't put so much strain on myself and to be careful and blah, blah, blah.

I was only planning on staying to say hi, possibly sneak into his room and talk about more serious things, but his mom asked me to stay for Christmas Eve's dinner and I politely agreed.

"Will, honey, show Nico your room, won't you?" She asked him, bustling around the kitchen. We shared a smirk and stepped into his room, closing the door. There were posters from a few different popular music artists, but I rarely kept up with that sort of thing. His bedspread was bright yellow.

"Does that thing glow in the dark?" I demanded, pointing at it. It offended my eyes. To my amusement, I had already grown almost as tall as Will, as I noticed when he stood directly before me.

"I've missed you," He sighed, locking the door to hide us from his mother, and I linked my fingers behind his waist while he brushed a few stray strands of hair out of my face. Holding me close, his clear blue eyes shone like the sky on a cloudless summer day, the kind that you believe will never end. That it will be forever. "Have you been okay? I hope you haven't been moping around camp."

"I've been fine." I frowned at him. I wasn't that negative!

"Good. Uh, is it okay if I…?" He turned pink, and I realized that neither of us knew how to behave. Sure, I usually didn't appreciate being touched, but this was Will.

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