solangelo smut of ao3

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Solangelo smut. If you don't like don't read, this is your warning.

You have been warned

Name of story: be cautious
From ao3 by fangirling_mental_disorer


Nico's POV

"I love you, Neeks,"

The most perfect, unbelievable, amazing thing I've ever heard. The most insane, untrue one, too. How could Will ever love me? If I'm lucky, he'll remember his little fling with the most hated person at camp. But gods, that may have been the best thing I've ever heard.

"I love you too, Will," I respond, beaming. There is nothing better than laying in bed next to Will at 11 pm, just loving him. Well, not that I've experienced so far in my life. But hey, could be wrong.

"Hey, Nico..." Will trailed off, uncomfortable. I smiled and nodded encouragingly. "D-do you w-w-want, have, um, s-sex? Just maybe?" He stuttered. Aww, that's my Will. It takes a moment for what he asked me to sink in. But when it does, I'm ecstatic.

"Anytime you want, Sunshine. And don't think you're pressuring me. You're not. This is completely my choice. And don't think you're going to hurt me. Just because you are a part time healer doesn't mean you can't be a boyfriend too," I whisper into his ear. He smiles.

"Oh, ok," he says. Then he's kissing me, and I'm kissing him. Our lips mash together, both of us trying to gain dominance over the kiss. He bites down on my lower lip, and I don't try to stop him. Instead, I surrender my power and allow myself to admit that I'm the bottom here. I open my mouth wide, letting him run his tongue over my inside lip, teeth, cheeks, and tongue, causing a few small moans to be released from my mouth. Yep, definitely the bottom. He suddenly grabs a handful of my hair and yanks, releasing a short moan. His other hand glides up the back of my shirt. I'd better start teasing him too.

I slide one hand up his neck and into his luscious blonde hair, clenching a fistfull, not moving my fist. The other hand skirts it's way between us, snaking beneath his shirt and tracing shapes on his chest. Damn, it feels so good to touch him like this, to be touched like this. I feel his hands searching my chest, straddling it with his arms like a child who just found its lost puppy. He pulls away from me, causing me to whine in displeasure. He smirks.

I snake my other hand down to his waist and underneath his shirt, lifting it up and not quite over his head, needing to enlist in his help because of the height difference. Will pulls his shirt the rest of the way off, then starts on mine. He doesn't struggle a bit with getting it over my head, causing me to curse and him to say "Damn Neeks," in response to my curses. Will dives into a round of heavy sucking and kissing on my neck, causing several moans of pleasure from me. He makes his way down to my chest, rolling on top of me. I put both my hands in his hair and tug, releasing a long, low moan of pleasure from him. Seeing he likes it, I continue on with one hand, snaking the other across every nook and crevice of his chest.

He continues his sucking assault on my chest, almost to my belly button. Finished with his chest, I push one hand down his jeans to the front of his briefs, where I trace the outline of his member, which is already hardened. Can't say mine's not. I rub along his parts through his underwear, making him moan so loud I swear we should be caught by now. I smile and continue reading him, running my hand all over his underwear while he reaches my jeans with his tongue's exploration of my chest. We pull apart, just a little bit, and both attempt to kick off our jeans without getting up.

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