chapter 10

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d: "okay i'm going now, don't wait up for me."
y/n: "okay, have fun i guess, i love you."
d: "mhm yeah you too."

daniel quickly grabs his keys and went straight to the door as fast as he could, the moment he opened it, an unexpected person shows up.

d: "hey corbyn?"
c: "hey, you're leaving?"
d: "yeah, what are you doing here?"

i panicked. did i not tell him? crap.

y/n: "i'm so sorry daniel i forgot to tell you, corbyn wanted to come over."
d: "oh okay, don't do anything i wouldn't do."

daniel quickly grabbed his jacket and left. i dont think he even cared another boy was over. but why?

y/n: "so, what do you want to do?"
c: "something chill..."
y/n: "want to watch netflix?"
c: "yeah sure. i brought some snacks."
y/n: "omg these are my favourite snacks!"
c: "mine too"
y/n: "danggg you have good taste."
c: "i know, anyway what do you want to watch?"
c: "wow, very demanding but sure of course."

*A FEW HOURS LATER* ( corbyn's pov )

y/n fell asleep on my shoulder while watching b99. she honestly looks adorable, how can someone be this cute while sleeping? i can't move as i don't want to wake her up. anyway it's currently 1:30am, i heard the front door unlock, daniel must be home.

?: "hehehheh"

hold up, the moment the door slammed i started to hear giggling coming from downstairs.

?: "are you sure no one's home?"
d: "whooo caressssss?"

i carefully removed y/n's head from my chest to prevent her from waking up. as i slowly creeped to the stairs to take a peek of what's going on down there. just as i expected, daniel, drunk, with some girl, making out. am i surprised? i knew daniel would never change no matter how many times he tells himself he did.

?: "so you're single?"
d: "i won't be once you're mine."

i couldn't take this. y/n is literally the most precious girl i know and i don't want to see her hurt. i rushed downstairs.

c: "wtf?"
d: "ohh heyyy corbynnnnn."
c: "what the hell are you doing?"
d: "isn't it obviousssssssss?"
c: "dude you have a girl."
d: "nahhh she's nothingggg. look at- wait what's ur name againnnnnnnnn?"
b: "it's bonnie, can't believe you dont know my name, daniel james seavey."
c: "dude i thought you went for a meeting."
d: "i diddddddddd, but it ended way earlier and i didn't want to go home so i went to the clubbb duhhh."
b: "and that's where he met me!"

she said it in such a flirtatious tone. it triggered me.

c: "yeah shut up bOnNiE i dont care. dude how about y/n? don't you love her? why are you doing this to her? you said you changed."
d: "yeah and i DID. wait no, i TRIED. i mean corbyn, if you see a girl as sexy and hot as bonbon, wouldn't you hook up with her too?"
c: "no because i'll be loyal to my girl, i'm not like you daniel."
d: "oh just go back upstairs and shut the fuck upppppp."

he started giving hickies to bonnie and she was moaning a lot, not to mention it was extremely loud too. y/n might wake up any second and i really don't want her to see or hear any of this. it'll break her.

i quickly ran upstairs but i was too late. y/n was sitting on the bed with her head down, tears flowing everywhere.

c: "did you...?"

she nodded her head as she started to cry even harder, but silently.

— (659 words)

a/n: hi guys sorry i havent been updating lol but follow my insta @chloecv heheh ❤️

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