chapter 2

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crap, school's over. that means i have to- oh noooo...

s: "hey girl! what are we doing?"
y/n: "what?"
s: "what are we doing? school's over! what do u want to do?"
y/n: "oh uh i can't hang today."
s: "what why?"

should i tell her- what if he finds out? we've never kept any secrets from each other, but i don't think i should tell her, it's for the best.

y/n: "my mum asked me to pick up groceries."
s: "y/n, you live alone."
y/n: "yeah groceries, FOR HER you know?"

i know she didn't believe me and what kind of lie was that? she seemed suspicious but i think she just brushed it off.

s: "oh uh, okay, see you tomorrow?"
y/n: "yeah see you."

phew that was a close one. i quickly gathered my things and went to the alley behind school. daniel was already there waiting for me, he was leaning against the wall, chewing on a piece of bubblegum with his arms folded.

d: "what took you so long slut?"
y/n: "s-sorry selena was talking to me."
d: "and that's more important?"

i could see his hand raise, about to hit me, i prepared for the slap but he hesitated, that was the first time i've seen him hesitate to hit me, and surprisingly he didn't.

d: "you're lucky i'm in a good mood today, let's go."

he grabbed my hand roughly and dragged me towards the direction of our houses.

y/n: "uh daniel..."
d: "what?"
y/n: "why did you suddenly want to meet me? i mean you've never liked me."
d: "what makes you think that?"

is he for real right now?

y/n: "well you literally bully and torture me everyday so-"
d: "so you assumed i don't like you because of that?"

is he dumb, who wouldn't?

y/n: "well yeah?"

he stayed silent as he continued dragging me home. he started getting a bit softer throughout the walk home though, but i was exhausted by all the fast walking and was literally trying to keep up. how can someone walk this fast?

the whole walk home was silent and really very awkward, he didn't say a word.

we finally reached to both of our houses and he let go of my hand. i heaved a sigh of relief and started to turn to my house when daniel spoke up...

d: "y/n, what are you doing?"
y/n: "going home?"
d: "are you stupid?"
y/n: "huh?"
d: "gosh you're so dumb."

he walked towards me, roughly grabbed my wrist and started walking towards his house. why is he bringing me to his house? this has never happened before. for the past few years, i have never been in his house, what's he planning to do? what does he want from me?

he quickly unlocked the door and pushed me in. he took my hand and dragged me to the couch where he decided to shove me and i fell on the floor, my things flying everywhere.

y/n: "what are you doing daniel? what do you want?"
d: "i need your....."

i couldn't hear him after that. he really has to speak up.

y/n: "uh, sorry what?"
d: "i need...."
y/n: "can you say it a bit louder? i really can't hear you."

well that was a bit too, aggressive? if you want to ask someone for help at least ask nicely i-

y/n: "okay, with?"

daniel sighed as he threw his backpack across the room.

d: "i've been flunking math and i know you're really good at math and i really need your help to help me study and improve my grades."
y/n: "why couldn't you have just asked me in school?"
d: "what makes you think i want to be seen in school talking to you?"

that makes sense.

y/n: "uh okay, i'll help you. but you have to promise me something."
d: "what?"
y/n: "please stop hurting me in school."
d: "i'll try, but i can't promise that."
y/n: "okay well when do you want to me to start tutoring you?"
d: "well amanda is coming over soon so i think you should leave like right now before i get caught talking to you and we'll start tomorrow."
y/n: "won't amanda come through the front do-"
d: "are you an idiot? i have a back door for a reason?"
y/n: "oh okay, but i have to go to the toilet so can i just-"
d: "GO!"

i was quite scared by then so i quickly gathered my stuff and yeeted myself out of there. i literally ran back home and locked the door. what is happening to daniel james seavey?

- (848 words)

hi hope you enjoyed this, i'm a starter at writing so i apologise for any bad english mistakes or anything. thank you so much for all the love on my previous chapter, very much appreciated <3

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