chapter 12

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y/n: "daniel i'm so sick of you. you said you changed, clearly i'm not worth it."
d: "no you are worth it, you're perfect."
y/n: "oh AM I? because i remember you saying that the girl you hooked up with was HOTTER than me, your girlfriend."
y/n: "you could have came home, but you chose not to. you could have not drank, but you chose to drink. you could have left without anyone, but you chose to bring home a girl,"

daniel was speechless, he was frustrated and seems hella pissed at me. he punched the wall out of anger.

d: "you heartless bitch can't you just give me another chance?"
y/n: "excuse me? heartless bitch? give you another chance? do you know how many chances i have given you? the amount of times you hurt me and apologised, it wasn't even sincere but i still forgave you. you never buy me things you dont spend time with me you get pissed with me often you dont even reply my texts you're always busy out with girls and im suppose to give you another chance?"

i was shaking at this point. tears were forming in my eyes and my heart broke into pieces. i felt like i was about to fall on the ground.

y/n: "look im sorry im not good enough for you, im sorry im not rich, smart, talented, pretty or whatever. thank you for showing me that. we're over."

the moment those words left my mouth i ran straight upstairs to my bedroom. corbyn was sitting up in the bed.

y/n: "oh, you're awake. did you hear eve-"
c: "yeah i did."

i started to cry again.

c: "hey hey hey, come here."

i ran towards him as he pulled me in for a hug. i snuggled against his chest as i fell into his warmth.

c: "ssshh, don't cry. he was a dick."
y/n: "i tried corbyn, i tried so hard to make us work. but i meant nothing to him, what's the point. our relationship was probably nothing to him. i'm useless."
c: "you're not useless. look i know daniel broke your heart but eventually you'll have to move on okay. and i'll be with you every step of the way, i'm here for you and i'll make sure no guy ever EVER treats you like how daniel did ever again. i love you, i always did."

i felt butterflies in my stomach as daniel has never said that those 3 words to me before so this is really new. he kissed my forehead as i snuggled into his chest and cried myself to sleep.

— the end —

(530 words)

a/n: Thank you all for reading my first ever book Im so sorry if it wasnt good. Rly hope yall enjoyed <3

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