chapter 1

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"hey loser."

i heard someone said as i got pushed onto the floor, my things falling onto the ground. my vision was blurry and surprisingly, i wasn't even confused. i immediately knew who that was.

i looked up and there he was, the guy who has been bullying me since young, my least favourite person, my neighbour, daniel james seavey.

"get up slut." he demanded as he shoved me again.

i gathered my stuff and stood up. It was either he was really tall, or i'm really short. when i stood up, he was like a giant, towering over me.

"what is she even wearing?" his girlfriend, amanda said as she walked towards us.

amanda, used to be the closest of all back in 6th grade, but she soon turned her back on me when she started getting more popular and i wasn't. yes, she left me for fame.

"leave me alone." i snarled as i glared at her but immediately regretted it. i didn't dare to look daniel in the eye. he's just so intimidating and it scared me a lot.

his other friends, corbyn, zach, jack, jonah, came behind him. zach, jack, jonah is literally daniel's pets, it's like they are a gang and daniel's the leader. but corbyn...about him...he has never been rude to me. yeah he hangs out with them but he has never said anything to me or help them, he just stands there quietly.

c: "guys we should go."
d: "why? we just got started."
c: "class is starting soon."
d: "ugh fine."

daniel turns towards me, pulled me by my collar and whispered, "you're lucky this time, but i won't go so easy on you."

he shoves me to the locker and proceeds to head towards class with the rest of his "gang" following him.

man i hate them so much. i quickly got my books and walked towards class. unfortunately, daniel and i have the same classes so i'm stuck with him for a whole day.

i walked into class and immediately felt a paper ball being thrown at me. i picked it up and looked right where daniel was seated, he was busy laughing with zach and pointing at me. i sighed and quickly went to my seat which thankfully was a few rows away from daniel. i don't know what made me decide to keep it.


finally class was over. surprisingly daniel didn't do anything to me and i heaved a sigh of relief. i quickly packed up and i was the first to head out. i went to my locker to get my books when all of a sudden i was pushed against the locker.

the next thing i know daniel seavey's face was inches away from mine.

y/n: "what do you want daniel?"
d: "what? did you not read my note?"
y/n: "note?"

he gasped in shock and slapped me right across the face.

d: "bitch it was the note i threw at you this morning, are you dumb? did you fucking throw it away?"
y/n: "no i didn't..."
d: "well read it, do you not know how to?"

he kicked me in the leg, causing me to fall before he walked away angrily. you must be thinking that everyone else in school must be in shock but no, this is normal. everyone is used to it, nobody bothers to stand up for me, probably beacuse they are afraid of daniel.

i don't understand either. out of all the people in school, he decides to bully me. why me?

"oh my god y/n!"

i looked up and saw my best friend, selena, running towards me with a worried expression on her face.

s: "wait, let me guess, daniel?"

i nodded my head while i quietly picked up my belongings.

selena, amanda and i used to be the closest. we were like the 3 musketeers but amanda left the both of us so selena and i got closer. she knows literally everything, about amanda dating daniel, and him bullying me. she knows that i'm used to it and she always there for me.

s: "cmon let's get to class, we're going to be late."
y/n: "okay"

thankfully we had the same class next, mathematics. one of my best subjects actually. i went to my seat which was thankfully right next to selena but unfortunately, daniel sits right behind me. when i was about to sit down, daniel pulled my chair back and i fell on the floor.

"daniel, that's enough." my teacher reprimanded as daniel's laughing soon died down.

"ok take out your textbooks and flip to page 57 please."

while getting my textbook, i saw daniel's note. oh god i totally forgot about it. i decided to take it out and open it.

"meet me after school, we'll walk home together. don't tell anyone about this, or i'll literally kill you. see you at the alley behind school, don't be late."

uh, what?

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hi guys hope u liked this chapter, not sure how to uh write stories, i'm really bad so sorry if its trash, have a great day <3

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