chapter 4

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d: "what?"
y/n: "you wanted to spend time with me? for what? you literally hate me!"
d: "y/n, i don't hate you, i swear."
y/n: "then why have you been treating me so badly for the past few months?"

wait hold up, did THE daniel seavey just confess to me? am i dreaming?

y/n: "wait, you like me?"
d: "i'm sorry that i've been treating you harshly, i just don't know how to stop liking you. yes, i like you. won't stop and never will."
y/n: "why didn't you just say that? you think torturing me is a better idea?"
d: "i'm sorry okay, i know i messed up. liking someone is embarrassing."
y/n: "no it's not. i can't believe this."
d: "do you uh like me back?"
y/n: "daniel not going to lie, you have the looks and everything but its quite hard to like you because of how you've been treating me."
d: "i'll change for you! i'll stop, im so sorry."
y/n: "wait, you'll change for me? seriously?"
d: "yes! i promise i'll stop."
y/n: "okay we'll see about that."
d: "i got to go, uh thanks for helping."
y/n: "no problem, see you in school."
d: "yeah okay bye."
y/n: "wait daniel,"

he immediately turned around, almost seems like he doesn't want to leave.

y/n: "can i have your number?"
d: "oh yeah sure."

he walked towards me and took my phone. i watched him as he typed. his eyes were gorgeous and his face was so soft. his jawline was so sharp and his tooth gap is so cute. i have never actually looked at him for that long, i didn't realise how amazing he looks.

d: "like what you see?"

i snapped back into reality as i looked away. i'm so embarrassed.

y/n: "thanks, see you."

he gave me a small smile and walked out of my house towards his. i can't help but smile to myself, my bully is in love with me?


i walked into the school hallways. not so crowded. i head towards my locker when i heard someone call my name.

?: "hey look it's the school's bitch, y/n."

i turned around and saw zach and jonah walking towards me.

y/n: "what do you want?"

zach smirked and hit my arm, my books dropped all over the floor. i sighed and bent to pick them up. jonah decided to push me and i fell backwards. the whole school was just looking and not even doing anything.

?: "back off!"

i looked to my left and saw selena running towards me.

jo: "hey look it's the other bitch, but the dumber one."
s: "fuck off?"
jo: "woah don't you dare speak to me like that babygirl."

jonah stared into her eyes as he slowly walked towards her, selena started backing away till her back touches the locker. jonah put his hand above her as he looked her up and down. was he checking her out? wait i think he likes her? i don't know what made me decide to what i did next.


he immediately spun around, everyone around was chuckling but jonah was getting furious. he glared at me and started walking towards me. i'm so stupid WHY DID I SAY THAT?

jo: "you stupid bitch who do you think you are?"

he raised his fist, literally about to punch me. here we go, i closed my eyes and embraced the impact. but after a few seconds, he had not hit me yet. i opened my eyes and there he was, daniel james seavey.

jo: "bro what are you doing?"
d: "don't hit her."
jo: "are you out of your mind?"
d: "i said what i said are you deaf? from now on leave her alone."

everyone gasped in shock, my eyes were wide open. is daniel standing up for me? he walked towards me and picked up all my books. he held his hand out which i gladly accepted.

d: "are you okay?"
y/n: "oh yeah, i'm good."

he suddenly leaned in and whispered in my ear.

d: "i love you."

he smiled and gave me a wink before he walked off with zach and jonah. my heart melted. HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO ATTRACTIVE? soon the crowd dispersed as selena rushed towards me.

y/n: "daniel is in love with me and i might,"
s: "YOU WHAT?"
y/n: "i might be in love with him too."

- 870 words😌

hi yall im back so sorry i haven't been active but here you go! i'll try to post more often!👉🏻👈🏻

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