chapter 11

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c: "hey hey ssshh, it's okay, come here."

i got into the bed and cuddled her, i looked her in the eyes, she was hurt, extremely hurt. she was in so much pain i wish i can just take it away and make her the happiest person in the world but i don't know how. i just want her to be happy.

y/n: "i- i thought he loved me. he said he would ch-change but he didn't. i'm not good enough, i'm nothing to him. he hates me, he fucking hates me."
c: "noo y/n, you are good enough okay, he's a dick. you should get some rest and it's late maybe i should head home and,"
y/n: "corbyn..."

y/n said, she looked up at me, eyes filled with tears. y/n: "could you stay for the night....please?"
c: "of course."

i kissed her forehead as she snuggled into my chest and silently cried. god knows what will happen tomorrow morning.

*THE NEXT MORNING* ( y/n's pov )

i woke up to corbyn laying beside me. my eyes were sore from all the crying and i felt super numb. my throat was dry so i decided to get some water. i head downstairs and i saw the one person i didn't want to see...

d: "good morning beautiful. how did you sleep?"

is he being serious right now? this bitch-

y/n: "my sleep was shit."
d: "oh, why? talk to me."


y/n: "oh i dont know..."

he walked towards me and was about go in for a hug.

y/n: "...maybe it's because of the moaning? or screaming?"

i pushed him away and purposely stepped in his foot and proceeded to get myself a drink.

d: "you...know about that..?"
y/n: "yall didnt even try to be quiet so yah i knew about it."
d: "i'm sorry."
y/n: "you said you changed daniel, i heard the conversation."
d: "i was drunk! i didn't know what i was thinking!"
y/n: "excuses! you could have came home but you didnt because you DIDNT WANT TO."
d: "please, give me another chance, i can't lose you."
y/n: "stop your bullshit daniel. i am so sick of all the lies you never spend time with me anymore, it's like i'm nothing to you?"
d: "no y/n you're everything to me, please don't do this."
y/n: "i TRUSTED you. you went out for a meeting fine, didn't want to come home? okay. BROUGHT A GIRL BACK TO OUR HOUSE AND HOOKED UP WITH HER? no."
d: "in all fairness you had corbyn."
y/n: "are you serious right now? corbyn and i did nothing because i'm not an unloyal son of a bitch like you. when you were down there fucking and enjoying yourself, corbyn was comforting me. don't even try to drag him into this daniel, don't try to fucking push the blame to me, you know it's your fault."
d: "i'm sorry, please forgive me, please."

— (564 words)

a/n: hi guys im so sorry for this super late update, i hv been struggling w my mental health due to some personal issues but i hope everyones okay and u can alw dm me at @/chloecv on insta if u need someone to talk to yeah <3

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