chapter 3

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finally, it's the weekend. school's out and i don't have to see annoying ass daniel james seavey for 2 whole days. wait hold up, i forgot he was my neighbour. well i can always avoid him i guess?


ok that gave me such a fright i swear i almost dropped my phone, but honestly who could that be? selena should be at her dance class right now and my parents don't even live with me neither do they even come to visit me. i swiftly but hesitantly walked towards the door and when i opened it, well expect the unexpected, as the unexpected showed up at my front door...

d: "hey bitch, daniel james seavey, at your service."
y/n: "so you going to do something for me or what because i have tons of chores to do."
d: "no you're doing something for me."
y/n: "but do you even know the meaning of at your service?"
d: "ok just shut up, move aside fat ass, you're in my way and i need some fresh air."
y/n: "fresh air is outside."
d: "not when you're there."

he shoved me aside, threw his bag across the room and just invited himself into my house, freely making himself at home as if he owns the place.

y/n: "come in..."

i sighed and closed the door. this is going to be a long day.

y/n: "what do you want?"
d: "what?"
y/n: "why are you here?"
d: "is that a serious question?"
y/n: "uh yeah?"
d: "are you dumb? did you not receive my texts?"

i could tell he was starting to get furious. i could see his veins popping from his neck and his muscles straining. why is he holding back? why didn't he just immediately slap me like every single other day?

y/n: "what texts? i don't even have your number!"
d: "your fault, anyway i'm here to learn some ridiculous mathematics dumb shit."

oh yeah, i forgot. i had to teach him maths. actually i didn't have to, he's just forcing me, such a gentlemen. this is amazing, what a great way to spend my weekend.

y/n: "okay fine, let's start."

halfway throughout the lesson i could tell he was getting restless and quite bored. he had already done all the problem sums i gave him and he has 15 minutes left to finish them.

y/n: "uh daniel, do you want to take a break?"
d: "gosh of course, are you trying to kill me? this math stuff is too bori- lame. i'm so thirsty, get me a drink."
y/n: "oh okay."

who does he think i am? his maid? i stood up and was about to start walking towards my kitchen when daniel pulled my arm and yanked me back down.

d: "what are you doing?"
y/n: "getting you a drink from my refrigerator?"
d: "no dumb shit, i brought my own drink, go and get it. it's in my bag."

well should have said so earlier instead of hurting my wrist. i found his bag laying underneath my dining table. i took it and was about to find his drink when i saw something i never expected to see.

y/n: "daniel what is this?"
d: "what is what can't you see i'm busy?"

he turned around with an annoyed look on his face but it soon went away when he saw what i was holding.

d: "uh"
y/n: "can you please explain to me..."
d: "..."
d: "i"
y/n: "you didn't need help in math, did you?"
d: "no i didn't."
y/n: "then why daniel, tell me why you wasted 2 hours of my time, teaching you something you excel at?"

daniel stayed quiet as he broke eye contact with me. for some reason, my confidence increased by a whole lot.

i walked over and raised his chin, looking him dead in the eye, and repeating my question.

y/n: "why?"

for once in my life, i didn't feel scared of him. he seemed so scared of me though, at least that's what i thought. i immediately regretted what i did as i snapped back into reality and pulled away.

shit, now he's going to hurt me for sure. i looked at him, he was staring at me wirh no expression. this is it. i prepared myself for a painful beating. it's happening again, i closed my eyes tightly waiting for impact. when suddenly, something soft came in contact with my lips, it was soft and sweet and oh god-

im kissing daniel seavey.

i don't know what i was thinking but i kissed him back, but before i knew it, i pulled away.


he took a deep breath and started to explain everything to me...

d: "so the reason why i asked you to tutor me, despite me being amazing at maths,"

damn, this bitch is a real show off,

d: "because i wanted to spend time with you."
y/n: "what?"

- (885 words)

hi sorry for the late update but hope yall are having a great day / night😙

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