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"Want me to drive you to school tomorrow? Weather man said it's supposed to snow," Dustin asked into the phone, I nodded as if he could see me.

"Yeah, I doubt it will, but I'll never turn down a free ride," I joked and he snickered.

"Yeah alright I'll be over around seven thirty tomorrow, sound good?" he asked,

"Yeah sounds good, see ya." we talked a bit more before I hung up the phone. I felt kind of bad that he was picking me up, he lives pretty far away, so we more often than not hang out at Susan's house 'cause it's like the midway point. But whatever, he'll live, plus I bet he was picking up Susan too.


Well, a broken clock is right twice a day, it did snow. I heard the beep of Dustin's truck outside and rushed downstairs, past my sister.

"Can Dustin take me to school too?!" she shouted after me and I turned around,

"The middle school is 30 minutes from here, hell no." I said, she rolled her eyes while I smirked. I made my way outside to Dustin's truck, he hadn't picked up Susan.

"Hey," I smiled and he nodded, his face was stone cold. It was easy to tell something was bothering him,

"What's wrong?" I asked, closing the door behind me. He shook his head,

"Same old parents," he muttered, I looked at him with pity and nodded. We were soon out of my driveway onto the way to school. Dustin doesn't like to talk about his parents just as much as he doesn't like to be around them. He probably wouldn't mind his mother if she wasn't always fighting with his father.


"Class, may I welcome YingFei Chen," I glanced up curiously to find a pretty Asian girl at the front of the classroom, looking at us all curiously.

"Doooo yoooou speeeeaaaak Ennngggglliiiish?" my homeroom teacher, Mrs.Hammond asked the girl, stretching out her words. She looked towards her disinterested,

"Yes I do ma'am," she said simply, my teacher smiled.

"Good, good, go sit down next to Jacqueline, Jacqueline raise your hand please!" Mrs.Hammond called, I raised my hand and YingFei smiled at me as she walked over.

"Course the foreigner and the nigger go together," I heard the socs behind me mutter to his friend, they laughed. I almost said something snarky in return, but stomached it. I gave the girl a small wave with a soft smile. She sat down in the seat next to me and waved back,

"Hey," I whispered, she smiled,

"Hi," she whispered back, I was going to be friends with this girl. One, she had an incredibly gorgeous navy blue dress, it had three white buttons down the chest and the skirt had a beautiful white trim. And two, I needed to save her from being the punching bag of the white kids. They'd get a real kick out of her, she was slim and short, she'd have to pack quite the punch to avoid their cruelty.

"What's your schedule?" I asked, Mrs.Hammond wasn't paying any attention to us, she was in the hallway chatting away with some teacher. Besides, every other kid in class was talking too. She handed me a pink piece of paper and I scanned it over. We had gym, the same lunch and study hall, and obviously, homeroom together. I told her this and she grinned,

"Wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" I asked her and she agreed. It was settled, YingFei would come meet Dustin and Susan at lunch today. I noticed she had a slight Californian accent, or what they sound like in movies. I made a mental note to ask her about it at some point today, it'd be a good talking point.


YingFei was a good fit for our group, she would laugh with Susan, talk with me, and Dustin would stare at her in awe. I guess Valentina was out the window, he was now totally into YingFei. He asked her about one hundred questions about this that and the other. She didn't seem to mind, Her and I were in study hall, whispering quietly to each other.

"So, where'd you move from?" I asked her, I was still curious if she was from California.

"San Diego, I've lived with my aunt and uncle for years, but my grandma won custody last month." she told me, I nodded with a smile, I didn't dare ask about her parents. It would be rude.

"That's so cool, is it like all surfing and blonde girls?" I asked jokingly, she shrugged.

"I guess so, my ex boyfriend was blond and he surfed 24/7." I nodded and was about to ask her if she ever went to where Blanket Beach Bingo was filmed 'cause I knew it was in California. When I heard,

"Jacqueline?" Ponyboy. My eyes went wide, he didn't know she'd be here. I looked behind me as he approached, he must've not seen YingFei, but when he did he bit his bottom lip. She'd seen him. I looked back to her sweetly,

"Do you know him?" she asked me, pointing towards Ponyboy.

"Uhm, yeah we have this group project in English together. Yeah Ponyboy?" I asked, turning towards him, he walked over. He looked like he wanted to be shot on the spot,

"Uhm I was just wonderin' if you knew where the book was..." he looked around through the shelves,

"Found it, nevermind." he said, going towards the bookshelf behind us and grabbed a random book.

"You like Boy Trouble?" YingFei asked, arching an eyebrow, pointing towards the book in his hands. It was big, pink, and had the words 'Boy Trouble, A Smart Girls Guide To Guys' in sparkly red on it. Ponyboy nodded,

"Mhm, see ya." he nodded towards me and turned around on his heel. He was out of the hidden table area very fast. YingFei giggled,

"What a weird kid." she said and I nodded, stifling a laugh. He was so not smooth,

"Yeah I know right,"

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