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I flicked through my Nancy Drew novel, The Whispering Statue as I waited for Susan to come at the park. Although the pages were crinkling from the many reads, the story never seemed to become repetitive. Perhaps I just liked the idea of adventure in my life, although it's hard to wish for when everyone in town would spit on you if they got the chance.

"Hey!" I glanced up and Susan was walking over. I smiled and scooted over for her to sit on the park bench.

"You wanna go get ice cream now?" I ask her and she nods. We get up and walk to the ice cream parlor near by. It ain't a long walk, just under 4 minutes. It's a little risky going there though, sometimes they let negros in and sometimes they don't. Just depends on who's on call. We walk inside and just our luck, Andrew's standing at the cash register. He's a big guy, not just weight wise he's about 6'5. But he's big in weight as well, probably just over 300 pounds.

"Out negro's." he barked at us and I already had half a foot out the door, but Susan just had to be stubborn.

"No, I want my ice cream." she spat back. Everyone was staring at us. Teens, couples, old people, seemed like the whole town was there. A dark look grew across Andrew's face and he left from behind the counter. Without thinking I grabbed Susan by the wrist,

"Sorry!" I called over my shoulder, quickly dragging her out of the store.

"What the hell?" she whined as we walked away.

"It's either ice cream or us gettin' lynched you decide." I muttered and she sighed nodding.

"Yeah it's just....it ain't fair." she said, her voice breaking on the last bit. I don't know what was comin' over her, she was usually all hunky dory and sarcastic. But she was right and I agreed. We went back to the park together and sat down. I watched tears run down her face, she wasn't one to cry so it kind of surprised me.

"Hey it's okay, everything's cool." I attempted to console her, but she hid the tears in her eyes and gulped.

"It-It's fine alright...I'll see you later." she mumbled grabbing her purse.

"Oh I- alright." I said confused as she left the park. It was so out of character for her, she wasn't really sensitive at all. Whatever I'd just call her when I get home. The park was nearing empty now, only a couple with a child and some old woman walking her dog. I laid down on the park bench and pulled Nancy Drew out of my bag again. I cracked it open and began to read. Sure, it wasn't the brightest idea for an obviously colored girl to just stretch out and relax in the middle of the white and colored area, but I'm not the wisest person on Earth. I was well into chapter 7 when I heard,

"Hey nigger!" I sucked in a short breath and cringed as I look over to the voice. Two socs-y looking boys were walking over to me. They didn't look Corvettes and designer rings socs, but they were popular. They didn't look exactly drunk either, maybe a bit buzzed, but that looked to be the extent. I bit my bottom lip, sitting up and wondered if I could out run them. No, they were probably like 100 pounds heavier than me they'd have me down in seconds. Maybe if I put on a good show they would flake out. They came closer and I noticed the letterman jackets that draped over their shoulders. Good call on the not runnin'. I didn't say a word as they approached me, quiet as a mouse.

"What are you deaf?" one of them snarled at me standing directly in front of me. He had curly ginger hair and looked as pale as a Victorian painting.

"No." I mumbled annoyed. He looked a bit taken aback, but the shock was as gone as it had came.

"You know you're kind of pretty for a nigra?" the other one teased slimily, spinning one of my straightened pieces of hair that sat on my shoulder between his fingers. He was lanky looking, dark hair and light eyes with tanned skin. He wore a promise ring on his finger, I wonder who his girl is and how she'd feel if she heard him call me pretty. Even if it was 'for a nigra'.

"Leave me alone." I stated simply, holding my ground and he snorted dropping the hair.

"I knew you were one of 'em uppity nigra's. Thinkin' that you go to the white school that you're one of us eh?" I eyed him,

"I don't even wanna go to your damn school so leave me alone would ya?" I bit back standing up, I probably looked braver than I felt. But let me tell you, I didn't feel very brave. These two could kill me if they wanted to. The ginger pushed me back down onto the park bench by my shoulders.

"You're real smart alec-y for a girl we could lynch. Nobody would miss you, nobody misses you niggers. You're worse than greasers, at least they ain't colored." he sneered. I gulped and I didn't even remember it happening, but somehow someway my fist collided with his face. (I knew it would hurt, I had my rings on.) He stumbled back, cradling his jaw and dark haired light eyes was taken aback, looking at his friend. I took my chance and got up and ran. I ran with cold air filling my lungs. I ran all the way home. (I usually take the bus.) I finally got to my door and attempted to catch my breath before I went inside. I knew my siblings would pester me with questions if I came inside barely breathing. I finally got ahold of my lungs and went inside and made a bee line to my room. I flopped onto my bed and I know I shouldn't have, but I thought about the red heads comment. Would anybody notice if I was gone? My family would, obviously, but in the long run nobody would even notice. Probably wouldn't even get any news coverage either. Nobody wants to take on the story about a girl nobody cares about. I kicked the thoughts out of my brain capacity and went to grab my book. And then I realized I left my book and purse at the park. I sighed through my nose, whatever I had like 75 cents and the book in there. I prefer losing that than a broken nose or black eye.

authors note:
Sorry that Ponyboy isn't in the chapter, I wanted to show more of Jacqueline's personal struggles.

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