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I got ready for Mary Martha's Halloween party with Susan in her room. I looked in her mirror at my appearance. My dress was beautiful, even if it was from a wedding the past fall. It was sleeveless with a v neck that my mother thought was too deep, but allowed it. It was black velvet and fell right above my knees, with a waist line that was tailored to make your waist look especially small. I grinned at my reflection just as Susan asked,

"You ready to go?" I nodded braking my gaze from the mirror and grabbing my hand bag,

"Mhm!" I hummed. We quickly left her house and began to walk to the party. Neither of us have a license, nor a car, and Dustin had already left, got ready at his own house. Him and I were nearing normal, which made me happy. I was missing one of my only best friends.

I never liked going down to Mary Martha's house too much, she lived right next to the divide between white and black. So, I wasn't exactly itching to walk near there, but what was I going to do?


I giggled as I got ready to pull a stunt Mary Martha's banister. I hadn't touched a drop of alcohol, but that didn't stop me from having an incredibly good time.

"You're gonna kill yourself!" Dustin called, Mary Martha's house was massive and being massive, had a massive stair case. What he didn't know was that I was going to do way more than slide. 

"I'll be fine!" I called back, sliding my flats off my feet and standing on the banister, putting my arms out and began walking down it. Susan gasped, she knew exactly what I was going to do,

"Jacqueline Clark get your ass off of there!" she yelled after me. I turned to her and winked, she rolled her eyes at me. What I was about to do was pretty stupid, but I'd done it before and survived, so I could do it again. People were starting to stare and I smiled as I reached the end of the banister. I swung my arms back just like I always did and did a front tuck off of the banister, landing on my feet with my arms above my head like gymnasts do at the end of routines. (I learned the trick from watching my older brother do it when we were younger, I don't know who taught him it, but it was fun.) The population of the party cheered, I blushed a bit and walked over to Dustin and Susan. 

"You-" She hit me upside the head,

"Are-" Another hit,

"An-" A hit once more,

"Idiot!" she cried out, hitting me on last time. I giggled, rubbing the back of my head a bit.

"But it was impressive wasn't it?" I winked and Dustin stifled a laugh,


Susan and I laughed as we walked down the sidewalk, away from the party that was dying down. Dustin would've drove us home, but he had a strict curfew that we knew he couldn't break. His parents were unbearable to begin with, in a loveless marriage, but Catholics so it wasn't like they could get divorced and when he ever stepped out of line they would go through the roof. So, we didn't even bother asking for a ride.

"Oh my god! Jack was all over you!" I chuckled and she smirked nodding, 

"Mhm, awesome right?" she said, I just rolled my eyes and we kept on walking. I was on a high of happiness, the party had been a lot of fun. 

"I don't know how you didn't die on that stunt you pulled," Susan laughed, I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You're acting as if you've never seen me do it before." I said sarcastically, she nodded in agreement. It was a move I liked to pull out of my ass when I was especially happy. She nodded with a smile,

"You two need a ride?" I looked up like a deer in headlights, a white boy in a pick up truck was the owner of the voice. He slowed down and hung out of the side of the window, a toothpick falling loosely from his mouth. He had noticeable side burns and it was easy to tell he was a greaser, leather jacket and greased back hair.

"No." Susan responded quickly, grabbing my hand. We were almost gone until I heard,

"Jacqueline?" now, a smart person would've kept walking and pretending like they never heard of a Jacqueline, but I whipped my head around out of habit. I saw the one and only Ponyboy Curtis sitting in the cargo bed with some other teenage boys.

"Ponyboy?" I asked, Susan stopped and turned around.

"That's your girlfriend Ponyboy?!" some boy said and Ponyboy looked at him like he was crazy.

"I told you that she's not my girlfriend Soda." was the last bit of the conversation I heard before the pick up drove off far enough so that I couldn't hear the rest of the talking. Susan chuckled,

"Damn, you know that kid?" she asked me, I nodded.

"Yeah, Ponyboy. My tutor remember?" 


Hey, I just wanted to ask what yall were doing on Halloween? Not to be rude obviously! I would ask tomorrow, but I'm just really curious. You know? 

I read over the note left in my locker, I could tell it was from Jacqueline before I even read who signed it. She dots her i's with tiny circles instead of just dots. I stuffed the note in my jean pocket just as Johnny was walking over.

"You ready to go?" he asks me, I nod shutting my locker. While Johnny and I walked home I wondered what'd I'd say. I was kind of embarrassed honestly, I know she heard Soda talk about her being my girlfriend, I just hoped she heard me deny it. I thought about how she took the night, a group of wild boys approach you and your friend? That ain't paradise to me. What really happened was that Johnny, Steve, Sodapop, Two Bit and I were coming home from a drag race (we weren't supposed to be at). Two Bit was more than a few drinks in and rolled up next to them, I don't know what influenced him to do it, but even in the darkness I could tell they weren't blonde, so it probably wasn't for anything good. When they were walkin' past headlights blinked just in time and I saw Jacqueline. I'd probably tell her the truth, that Two Bit was just drunk, wasn't like it was anything bad.   

authors note:
barely proof read this one becuz im so excited to write the next one

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