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I did a quick up and down of my outfit. Dark green turtleneck with grey plaid skirt. Perfect, that's Christmas-y right? I was getting ready for my families Christmas party, the guests would arrive any minute. My families been hosting our annual Christmas party since Shawn was in the 2nd grade and begged my mom to let us have one. The guest list always varies from year to year depending on whether or not Vanessas friends are fighting or if Shawn has a lover girl. However this year the list is Shawn's new girlfriend, Wendy and her grandmother, Dustin and Susan's families, (Usually only one of Dustin's parents come instead of both. They don't want to cause a scene in public.) and then Shirley and AJ's families. (They're Vanessa's friends.) It's always a little boring, but fun, especially since Dustin, Susan and I usually go to my back porch and do dares to kill time before we get gifts.


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I said between laughs as Dustin attempted to get the snow off his butt. It had only lightly dusted, but he had tried to do a front walkover like I had and obviously failed miserably.

"Alright," Susan laughed. I went inside and smiled at Vanessa's friends before climbing the steps to the bathroom. I was about to go inside when I heard a thud from my bedroom. I furrowed my eyebrows and went over to my door. I opened it up, peeking my head through and saw a sight that couldn't be true. Ponyboy was standing on the ledge of my window, knocking. My mouth went agape as I quickly went inside, closing and locking the door behind me.

"What the hell?" I muttered, how did he even get up here? I live on the third fucking floor. I went over to my window and unlocked it before opening it up.

"Get down from there 'fore you fall." I said, stepping away so he could come inside. He entered my room with a bouquet of white roses and a book in his hands.

"What the hell are you doin' here?" I whisper yelled, seeing him wanted to make me mad, but I was sort of happy in a way. He handed me the flowers before running a hand through his hair. (That was free of any grease for once. Without the grease you could tell it was turning brown like it was in his yearbook photo from last year.)

"Jacqueline I don't know what I did or what Diana has to do with you breaking up with me, but I don't wanna be. I mean- I want to be with you. I still like ya and..." he sighed,

"I just wish you'd give me another chance." he finished. I sucked my teeth as I looked at him. He was so handsome with his big grayish green eyes and his dimple when he smiled. He didn't have one on the left side of his face, which I thought was better that way. It made him nicer looking in my mind. I looked down at my shoes, debating my response. He had been spider-man getting to my window, brought me flowers and seemed like he meant what he had said.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the book in his hands. He placed it in my hand that wasn't holding the bouquet,

"I know you're real passionate about Amy and Laurie and like this book, so I uhm got it for you." he said, scratching the back of his neck. I smiled a bit as I looked down at it. Little Women. I opened it up and my smile became wider, he had written his thoughts in the margins with little doodles of the scenes. He drew a picture of Amy on the first page that doesn't have any words on it, it was beautiful.

"You can erase those if you want too," he mumbled and I looked up from the book as if he was crazy. I took him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his around my mid back.

"Ponyboy it's wonderful what are you talking about?" I said, a little muffled by his shoulder. He chuckled,

"Thanks doll," I missed hugging him, it'd only been 3 weeks since I last did, but that didn't stop me from missing it. I sighed, letting go of him.

"Nothing happened with Diana?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Truly," he said. I smiled looking down and then looked back up at him.

"Then I'd love to be your girlfriend again Ponyboy. Now get out before my parents hear me talking to somebody." I said and he laughed. I kissed his cheek before he left my room. I was tempted to see how he would get back down, but I knew I had to get out of here fast. I'd already taken so long talking to him and I didn't want to extend the time even more.

I quickly left my room and went back to the bathroom in a hurry. I then quickly made my way back outside,

"There you are Jesus fucking Christ," Susan mumbled as I stepped outside, shutting my back door behind me.

"What were you doin' in there?" Dustin asked and I shrugged, biting back a smile.


authors note:
this ain't about the chapter but i went to goodwill today and in the men's section there was this dark brown leather jacket. i almost bought it but it smelled like cigarettes, looking back on it that sounds like dallas winston tbh. i should've bought it 😫

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