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I watched Jacqueline enter the classroom, her hair tied neatly up in a ponytail and a light blue jacket across her shoulders. I gave her a faint smile and she nodded grinning back. She walked by Daniel's desk and in a matter of seconds her books were sprawled across the floor.

"Sorry nigra, didn't see ya there." he snickered and the rest of the socs friends and their girlfriends laughed at her. She just nodded and began to pick up her books, no words left her mouth. No defense. No nothin'. I glanced down at her Little Women copy that fell at my feet. I grabbed it quickly before anybody could notice and put it on my desk, I'd just return it to her after class. No sweat.


I couldn't find my book after dingbat Daniel knocked my books out of my hands. Whatever, I could just look for it after class. I'm just glad that I didn't cause a scene. I didn't need that right now. I pulled out my notebook and prayed he wouldn't call on me.

"Mrs.Clark where's you're book?" Mr.Jones asked in front of the entire class. I heard giggles from my classmates.

"I left it at home by accident sir." I lied, he tsked at me.

"You have to be more responsible Jacqueline, I'll have to mark points off of your participation grade." he sighed disappointed at me. More chuckles from the class. How great. I just nodded and left it at that, doodling in my notebook.

I mindlessly wrote down the lyrics to Satisfaction, Rolling Stones and tried to draw a flower, but failed. If there's one thing I'm more hopeless in than English it's drawing. I guess I'm more of a math and science person, even if I wasn't great at those either. The bell finally rang and I waited a bit before getting up, I didn't want everyone to see me searching around on the floor. I noticed Ponyboy wasn't getting up either, looked like he was waitin' on somethin' too. Whatever, it didn't matter if he saw me on the floor. He was already forced to see me once a week. I got up from my spot when only Mr.Jones, who was busy fiddling around in the classroom closet and Ponyboy were left. Ponyboy got up as well and came over to me with a book in his hands, my book. I could tell, because it was in better condition than any books I'd ever seen in his hands.

"Uhm here's your book. Sorry for not returnin' it earlier, I just didn't..." he trailed off looking into my eyes, I could see a hint of guilt. I knew why he didn't return it sooner and I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't wanna be called a nigger lover either.

"Thankyou." I gave him a small smile as he handed me the book, our fingers brushing together.

"Yeah no problem, when do you want to meet next?" he asked fiddling with the hem of his zip up jacket. I shrugged stepping on my toes and then back on my heels.

"I don't think I really need any help in English right now, thank you though." I lied, I always need some sort of help in the subject, but I didn't want to be a burden.

"Oh alright, if you're sure?" he double checked. I nodded,

"Yeah, I'll call you if I change my mind."


"I really doubt they're gonna let us in." I huffed to Dustin as we walked to The Dingo. It was cold as hell and took forever to get to, so if it was whites only I was going to scream.

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