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I mumbled the lyrics to Eleanor Rigby as it played from my record. Even if I've only had the album on record for about a week, I already had every song on Revolver memorized. I was getting ready for my first day back after winter break. The first day back isn't so bad, the teachers are on alert, because they make a resolution to have a "safer and better school". Which is cool and all, but last year they made some poor black senior girl, (The only black senior in the school.) give a speech against racism. She got laughed off stage. Needless to say I doubt they'll make the same mistake again. I slipped my shoes on and slid my backpack onto my shoulders. I went over to my record player and lifted the needle before putting it back in place. Ponyboy had already made fun of me for my taste in music when he saw my new records last week, saying how he just doesn't get how I can listen to The Beach Boys.  I don't care though, the only people he deems as 'cool' in music is Eddie Cochren and Elvis. He'd probably have a stroke if he was ever forced to listen to The Kinks.


"It ain't a big deal and I didn't in the first place." Susan muttered as she looked over her shoulder at some gas station. 

"What're y'all talkin' about?" I asked, glancing over at Susan and YingFei, Dustin was out sick today. I don't think he's really sick. He hasn't been sick since like the 4th grade, I think his parents took it to far and his dad hit him. He hates coming to school with black eyes or things like that, so usually he'll fake sick until he can figure out a way to cover it up. In the 8th grade Susan and I tried concealer, but he's about a shade or two lighter than us and the mark was too big. Plus Susan didn't want to waste her concealer and neither did I, 8th grade was the year our moms finally gave in and let us start wearing makeup.

"Susan was flirting with that guy back at the gas station yesterday, the handsome one. C'mon you saw it." YingFei told me. I remembered the guy, he's Ponyboy's older brother. 

"Isn't he like 18?" I asked Susan, she shrugged.

"Maybe, I turn 16 in two months though and that's the age of consent down here." she said with a teasing smile. YingFei laughed and I gasped.

"Susan!" I yelled jokingly, they laughed some more. It wasn't anything serious honestly, Susan says wild things like that all the time. It's just the way she is. She'll say anything that comes to mind. I think her mouth works before her brain and so she'll spit things out that she wouldn't if she'd stop and think about it. But that's the fun thing about Susan, you're always having a good time. Even if she's making fun of you or saying something a tad bit vulgar. 


I smiled at Jacqueline as she walked by me in the hallway, she nodded returning it and went back to whatever her and her friends talk about. 

"Who's that?" I turned over to look at Two Bit. Usually I'd be walking to gym with Johnny, but he hasn't showed all week and today was the day Two Bit came to school.

"Hmm?" I hummed and he pointed to Jacqueline as she walked down the hallway with the new asian girl and her best friend Susan.

"Who's the negro man?" Two Bit asked again. I looked at him strangely as if I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What negro?" he rolled his eyes as we walked down the hallway together, we have the same P.E period together this year. He didn't pass his junior year again last year and they group the juniors and sophomores in gym for 3rd period and 5th period. We both got 5th period gym. It wasn't like Two Bit ever got dressed for P.E though, he doesn't care. He'll run the mile in jeans and a jacket if he wants to. Maybe it's because he likes to see the gym coaches reaction or maybe it's cause he thinks he's too cool to wear the school issued clothes. Probably a bit of both.

"Don't play dumb Ponyboy who was the nigger you smiled at in the hallway?" I shrugged,

"I dunno what you're talkin' about. You should stop comin' to school blitzed." I told him before going into the boys locker room. It was an easy way to avoid him, he never gets dressed for gym so he has no reason to go in there. Plus, too many questions about Jacqueline somebody in the gang ought to catch on that Jacqueline is Jack. Or maybe Johnny or Two Bit will see me smiling at her just a little too often and ask her questions. I'm surprised Dally hasn't told anyone, maybe he's not an asshole for once.

authors note:
jesus i need to figure out an ending, i'm sorry if these chapters seem to drag on and on :(

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