I tried, but I can’t fake it.
Today was the day. I had to hide my past and pretend I was fine. Not something easy to do when the thing you need to hide is the thing you want to yell about. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to. That's the biggest lesson you taught me.

I still remember all the yelling, and crying which lead to one of us leaving. That was the night my parents found out about us. I was gone for the whole night because we couldn’t stop arguing and I didn’t come home til 2 am. My mum was calling me but I just couldn’t handle disappointing another person. I silently entered my house to see my mum crying on the stairs and I couldn’t hold it anymore so I told her everything and her reaction was different to what I was expecting. She hugged me properly for the first time and said thank you and told me to sleep. The next day it was a normal day until my dad told me he knew about it too. I grew up in a household where I was not allowed a boyfriend and seeing my parents accepting this was weird but nice. You always told me to hug my parents whenever i could so i did hug them today. I never really took your advice til we broke it off

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