Christmas special

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Christmas back then.....

I looked to the corner of the wall, seeing Kiku. He and his brother came to our house to visit for Christmas. He and I were in the same class, and I think his brother was the only one who looked after him. He was wearing traditional clothing, and so was his brother. It looked like a dress, which made him look like a girl, but he looked adorable.

Once his brother finished tying something on him, he slowly turned his head to look at me, and my face got hot. I quickly hid behind the wall so he would not see me. "Alfred, don't you want to see how Kiku looks?" His brother Yao spoke. I turned the corner and nodded slowly, getting out of my hiding spot.

"Awwww, don't the two of you look adorable!" My papa cheered. He grabbed onto my cheeks, and I quickly pulled away "hey! I'm ten! Stop treating me like a child," I said, annoyed. However, my dads continued to laugh at me. My dad fixed my bow tie, and they shoved Kiku and me beside each other. "Smile for the camera!" Yao cheered. He snapped a sudden picture of us, and my face was shocked. "Hey! You didn't say it was a picture," I said, surprised.

My brother Mattie pulled me to the side, and our parents began taking pictures of us. "The two of you are just so precious! You both grow up so fast," our papa said, nearly crying. "Francis! Keep it together," our dad laughed. Their voices started to get drowned out as I saw Yao helping Kiku fix his hair. No matter where he had his hair, messy or neat, I thought he always looked great no matter what.

"You look great!! Your hair is fine!!" I called to Kiku. He turned to me, shocked, and his face turned red. "Th...thank you..." he spoke. He was still working on his English a little bit, so sometimes it was hard for him to want to speak. He seemed quiet and nervous all the time, but I always wanted him to feel welcome, and I liked when he came over to play with me. "Very cool," I said with a thumbs up.

"Time to eat!" My dad called. All three of us sat at the table and waited to be served. Luckily I was able to get a seat next to Kiku. "What are you wearing?" I asked. "Hmmm?.... oh, my brother and I lived in Japan for a bit, and these are called a kimono..... for boys, though..." he said nervously. "Oh..? Why do you wear it?" I asked curiously. "Ummm.... this one is for formal events.... my brother wanted me to look nice," he said.

He tried to look away from me but stopped once I smiled. "I like it! You look great in it. My dads compliment each other when they look nice. I can't remember what it was that papa told my dad...." I spoke. He looked at me, waiting to say it, and I tried to remember. What was it that my papa had said?....

"Boys, get ready to eat," my dad spoke, sitting down.
"I remember! You look hot!" I cheered. "ALFRED! DON'T SAY THAT!" My papa said, shaking me. Kiku's eyes widened, and it was as if he had stars in his eyes. "Thank you!" He smiled. "Huh?!" Yao said, shocked.

As my parents and his brother freaked out to the side for some reason. Kiku and I kept smiling at each other, and I gave him a high five. "So hot!" I added. "Alfred! You are hot too!" Kiku spoke. My eyes widened, and I soon began to smile.

"Alright!! Everyone eat!" My papa spoke suddenly. As we ate our food, I couldn't get kiku out of my mind. We were in the same elementary class, and I wouldn't change a thing; I like him a lot, and I hope we can be friends forever.

After we all finished eating, it was time to open gifts. I sat beside Kiku and hid the present I got for him behind my back. Why am I so nervous about giving it to him? Seeing everyone else do it so quickly made me happy, but I was nervous because I wanted him to like the gift I got for him.

"Alfred, this is for you" Kiku smiled. His smile was never wide; it was always a soft one that barely curved. His eyes were always happy, though I knew for sure. I stopped holding the gift behind my back tightly and reached for the gift he was holding in front of me.

"What is it?" I asked. "Well, open it up and find out," he laughed slightly. My face got hot, and I nodded quickly. I looked at the small box and started to unwrap it slowly. Opening the lid to it, my eyes widened for what was inside. "No way! The new Superman action figure I wanted!" I cheered.

I held the toy in the air and quickly went in for a hug. "Uhhhh!! What are you doing?" He asked, shocked. "Hugging you! This is the best gift ever! Thank you!" I cheered. His body stopped being stiff, and he finally hugged me back. "I got something for you too!" I smiled.

I quickly let go of him and turned around to grab the present. Placing the gift in front of him, I sat down and smiled happily. I hope he likes it!

Kiku slowly unwrapped the gift, and his eyes widened. "It's a fluffy cat keychain! A big one!" He said, shocked. He showed his brother, although he did not show much excitement verbally. I could tell by his eyes and posture that he greatly liked the gift. "I knew you would like it!" I cheered. He looked at me and smiled, giving me a nod. "I'll keep it forever," he said softly. "Merry Christmas!" I spoke softly too.

"Alfred, dad wants to know if you want pizza for dinner," my brother Mattie spoke. "Yeah, sure! I am cool with that," I answered. I held the old Superman action figure in my hand and began to fix its cape. "You still have that? You got that when you were like ten," Mattie said, surprised. "Of course I do. It is one of the best gifts I ever got," I smiled. "Hmm? That is cool then," he shrugged. Once he left, I could not help but keep smiling at the figure "best gift ever," I whispered.

~Kiku pov ~

"What else were you getting rid of?" My brother asked. "Whatever is over there," I spoke. I continued to help clean up my room too. "What about this?" My brother spoke. I lifted a brow and turned my head to look at him. My eyes widened, and I quickly took it out of his hands. "Not this," I said seriously. I quickly put it in my desk drawer and closed it shut. "Hmmm? It looked pretty old, you sure?" He asked. "Yes!!! .... I'm sure..." I laughed. He looked at me confused but just ignored my sudden behavior. The keychain I got many years ago from Alfred was something I treasured the most.


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