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"So what is first on the agenda?" Kiku asked me. "I was thinking that we could go to the carnival!" I asked. His eyes lit up and a small smile appeared. "Yeah! That sounds fun," he cheered. Oh, thank god! It was the best I could come up with on such short notice. "Luckily, my dad let me take his car, so we won't have to walk," I smiled. It was silent for a little bit and it made me get nervous. "Don't be so tense; we are friends," He smiled. He placed his hand on my shoulder and I felt shivers go up my spine. HE JUST TOUCHED ME! AND I LIKE IT!

"For admissions, where should we buy tickets?" I asked nervously. "Don't worry about school stuff right now. We are together," he smiled. My face turned red and I began to sweat. He was never this forward, why is he suddenly this confident? "Yes, okay, sounds good," I laughed. Good thing we were almost at the carnival park. "On a date, you should really try and get to know the person. I guess since we know each other already it is a lot harder," he spoke.

"Hmmm.... how about this.... what is your type? As in, what do you look for in a girlfriend?" He asked. Short black hair, Asian, slender, quiet, nice personality, and his name is Kiku Honda. "Umm.... maybe black hair? With a good personality," I spoke nervously. "That is interesting; anything else?" He asked. "Maybe just that they are unique."

Culturally unique.

"And they have beautiful dark eyes.."

Beautiful mono-lid-shaped eyes with dark pupils.

"Maybe they rock a nice body."

Basically, the way Kiku looks is perfect. There is nothing to change about him.

"I see; why do you say they?"
"Why do you say they instead of she?"
"Ahhhh... did I say that?"
"Hmmm....." I spoke slowly. Like hell, I was going to tell him I played for the other team.

Once we arrived at the carnival, we both stepped out of the car quickly. "Well?" He asked. "Oh, it must have come out by accident," I laughed. He looked at me confused but quickly let it go. "So what's your ideal girlfriend?" I asked. We both continued to walk toward the entrance as we chatted. "My ideal girlfriend huh?..."

"I wouldn't mind dating someone with blonde hair... that would be neat," he smiled. My eyes widened at what he said. I WAS SOMEONE WITH BLONDE HAIR! "That sounds interesting," I laughed.

Once I bought the wristbands, we first got food at this place. We shared some nachos and cotton candy. Kiku was hesitant to try the cotton candy because of the weird colors, but in the end, he thought it was interesting. "Would you want to go on a ride?" I asked. "Uh..... like what?" He asked. I probably should not pick anything scary or intense for him. I looked around and saw a Ferris wheel! It was perfect and romantic! Just like the movies and manga!

"How about that?" I asked, pointing toward the Ferris wheel. "Hmmm? Oh yeah, sure, that isn't that bad," he smiled. Maybe this would be my chance to tell him how I feel? Actually, tell him this time?! We walked toward the Ferris wheel, and my hands began to get sweaty. People were watching us as we were in line and they probably got gay vibes. "You aren't bothered by the stares?" I asked.

"Not at all. They can think whatever they want, besides from us not really being together, it is not any of their business," he said plainly. He had always been the type to not care so if he says it's fine, then it is fine. We waited for a little bit before it was finally our turn to step onto one of the carts. My hands we getting more sweaty and I tried looking anywhere else but at him. We sat beside each other and I could smell his scent from where I sat. "I am excited about this; I don't think I have ever been on a Ferris wheel before."

"Really? They are fun; you are able to see the whole city from the top," I smiled. I looked over at him and saw how soft his face was. He was calm and looked so sweet, I wanted to hold him in my arms and kiss him. "Kiku, you still don't have any feelings for anyone, right?" I asked. I was so eager for him to fall in love with me back that I could not be patient anymore. "Well..... it is complicated," he spoke. My eyes widened, and we both looked at each other. "Complicated?"

"Well.... I think .... they like someone else, so I think I've pretty much given up," He laughed out nervously. The Ferris wheel under us moved slowly, as everything had stopped. "If you like them, you should tell them before it is too late. Why live with regret? When although you might be rejected, you know your feelings reached them," I spoke.

Why wouldn't I take my own advice? Why wait? Why live with regret? When I can just tell him how I felt. We looked into each other's eyes, and I saw his mouth open slightly.

We both said in unison.

We were finally at the very top of the Ferris wheel when it stopped for a moment like it is supposed to do. There was a sudden burst of light, but I continued to look into his eyes. "I love you," I spoke. The fireworks had gone off as I said that, but I noticed how his lips also moved. I could not hear what he said because of the fireworks, but I saw his lips speak.

Wait.... did he even hear me?

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, confused. He looked at me confused and gestured that he couldn't hear me. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" He asked, raising his voice. My face turned red, and I decided not to answer. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I asked back. His face got nervous, and he tried to look away from me. Kiku shook his head and started to laugh. "Oh, nothing..."

Great, I ruined my shot at telling him how I felt. This sucks so bad.... why do I ruin everything!!!

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