When we first met

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"Alright, class, we have a new student all the way from Japan!" My teacher cheered. Everyone turned to look at the new kid in the class. He looked very shy and quiet so I was sure that he probably wouldn't like me. I was always told that I was too loud. "Hello, my name is Kiku Honda, I look forward to being here," he bowed. It was hard to understand his English, but I think he did great. Everyone looked at him confused, and soon laughter erupted. "What is he even doing!" A girl laughed. The kid looked embarrassed, and I smiled. "Teacher! Can he sit with me?" I called out. I looked at the boy with a huge smile and his eyes widened.

"Would you like to?" the teacher asked. Kiku nodded quickly and started walking toward me. "Hi, my name is Alfred, I don't want to brag, but you are now friends with the coolest person in the class" I giggled. "Cool? More like lame!" The kid behind me spoke. However, I continued to smile at Kiku. "Ignore them, they are just jealous. From what my papa tells me!" I laughed. "I hope we can be good friends," he smiled. Kiku took a seat beside me, and I felt so excited to see him.

"Which papa?" The kid behind me continued to be mean. Kiku looked at him, confused but just ignored him. I loved both my dads, so he was just jealous! "I like your haircut," I spoke to him. "Thank you... my big brother cuts it for me," he smiled. His cheeks turned pink, and I thought he actually looked really nice. "So what did they mean by "which dad"?" He asked. "I have a papa and a dad, I don't have a mom but papa is kinda like the ones from the movies," I giggled. "Oh I get it," he smiled.

"Papa!! Can my friend stay over tonight?" I begged. It was after school, and I really wanted kiku to come over so I could show him my toys. "Who?" My dad asked. "Kiku! He is new to the school. He is from Japan! Dad! Let him come over!" I begged. They looked at me, and both laughed. They turned their heads towards Kiku who had his head down. He was not sure if it would be too much to come over, but I told him not to worry about it.

"Did you ask your parents?" My papa spoke. "If ... you both said yes then I would have told my brother," he spoke. "Awww, you are the cutest thing," my papa cheered. "Arthur, can we let him come over," papa whined. My papa and I made puppy faces at my dad, and my dad kept trying to be serious. "Really? This is what the two of you have resorted to?" He asked. "Pretty please..." I spoke softly. "Ugh...... fine... but it is not because of the puppy faces. I was going to say yes either way," my dad shook his head.

"Kiku!! You are going to come over!! Let's go ask your brother!" I cheered. His face lit up, and we both waited for his brother to show up. Most of the students were already picked up, so my dads sat with Kiku and me to wait for his brother. "What kind of food do you like?" I asked. "Well, although I grew up in Japan and I was born in Japan. My brother was in China for most of his life and learned how to cook a lot of cool foods. So I guess I like Chinese food more than Japanese food," he smiled.

"What is your favorite?!!" I cheered. "Lemon chicken maybe..." he shrugged. "What is your favorite food?" He asked. "My papa is French, and my dad is English, and they both moved here to America when they were young. My papa cooks all the food at my house, so it is a lot of French food. However, I really like American food! Like burgers! Only.... my papa doesn't let me eat it all the time. He says it is junk, and I need to eat something healthier," I said, pouting."I don't think I have ever tried a burger. Is it really good?" He asked. "Yeah!" I cheered.

Soon, his brother showed up and looked at my dads, confused. "I am sorry. Did my brother do something?" He asked, scared. "No!!! No!!! You see, our son and your brother really have become friends really fast. Alfred would like to invite kiku over, but with your permission. We would like to also invite you for dinner as well.." my papa smiled.

"Oh..." the man spoke. He looked at Kiku and me, and I flashed him a happy grin. "Big brother, I would like to play with Alfred..." Kiku spoke softly. "Hmmm..... well, I guess it won't hurt to have dinner...." he laughed out. Kiku smiled brightly, and I jumped up to hug him. It must have startled him because he quickly moved away. His face turned red, and he started to look around nervously.

"Hehe, Kiku, you can ride with Alfred, and I will follow behind," he smiled. "Oh!!! My name is Yao ... it is nice to meet you all. Thank you for helping my brother feel welcome. He can't speak proper English, but I hope you will be patient with him," he apologized. "Oh, please! We don't mind. We are the last people that should judge broken English," my dad laughed, pointing to my papa.

I looked over to Kiku and smiled, tilting my head. He was so calm, and I wanted him to see my toys at home. Maybe that will make him laugh a lot. I grabbed onto his hand, and he immediately tensed up. "We are going to be great friends," I smiled. His eyes widened, and his face was soft once more. "Thank you.." he said softly. He seemed like such a cool person! How could I not want to be friends?

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