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It was like, no matter how hard I tried to tell Kiku, something happened. First, it was the thing with the condoms, which never was resolved. Then it was the room thing and my pops walked in and I was interrupted. I don't think I'll ever tell him, maybe I should just be content with being his friend. I looked over to Kiku who had his face in his book. It was lunchtime and we did not seem to talk much today. "Alfred is over there, just ask him," I heard a whisper.

I turned my head in that direction and saw these two girls. It was Anya and Nene, and they were both talking. Anya was pushing Nene to come talk to me. Suddenly, I noticed that she started to come over. I looked at her as she came closer and began to feel nervous. "Hey... what's up?" I asked, confused. "Can we talk privately? There is something I need to tell you," she spoke softly. My cheeks felt hot, and I slowly nodded my head. No way, a girl was finally going to confess to me?

I noticed how Kiku put his book down slightly and stared at me from the corner of his eye. I am sure he was curious about what she was going to say.

I followed her outside, and she looked down to her feet. "What is it?" I asked. As she began to speak, I started to space out. I was thinking about Kiku and what he probably thought about me. The thing with the condoms was left as is, and it became something we don't discuss. I wonder why he would not believe me. Did he think I was having sex? It doesn't make sense. Maybe I should try talking to him about it again.

"Alfred! I am in love with you. Will you go out with me?" She finally said. My eyes widened, and I did not know what to do. "I need to know how you feel," she added. I nodded at what she said and looked at her. "How I feel?..... well, this is sudden. I did not think you saw me that way. Well, I didn't know, at least," I laughed awkwardly. She looked at me determined, and I tried my best not to avoid her eyes. "Listen.... you are a nice and very pretty girl, but I am in love with someone else...." I said slowly.

Her eyes widened, and she looked shocked. "Really?  Who is it?" She asked, confused. "Umm... well, they ... I can't say." I started. "I appreciate that you had the courage to tell me. I admire that, but I can't return your feelings," I added. Her face softened, and it looked as if she was trying to hold back tears. "It is fine... I prepared for rejection," she said sadly.

I walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek. "Don't worry, I am not worth any of your tears," I smiled. I caressed her cheek a little and smiled some more. Her eyes widened, but I soon pulled away. I was sure that she would be able to handle it well.

We soon went our separate ways, and I arrived back in my classroom before class started. I noticed Kiku staring at me as I arrived, making me nervous. I sat in my seat and tried to avoid eye contact with him. "So what happened?" He asked. "Well... you won't believe it, but she confessed to me," I explained.

His jaw dropped, and he was speechless as he looked at me. "What did you say?" He asked, confused.  "Well, I told her I could not return her feelings because I was in love with someone else," I said slowly. His eyes widened, and he looked at me, shocked. "In love... with someone else?" He asked softly. He looked down, and I could not help but sense that he was in despair. "Are you okay?" I asked, confused.

He picked his head up to look at me. "How come you never told me you were in love with someone..?" He asked. "Well... I guess because it is very complicated," I spoke quietly. "Complicated? I am your best friend, and you didn't give me details," he said, hurt. "Whoa, it is fine... the way I feel... it would not be returned," I explained.

I wish he knew how badly I wanted to scream that I loved him. He was the reason I woke up every morning, the reason I tried my hardest every day. When dealing with my insecurities and dietary issues, he always made my days worth living. "We can talk about it later if you want," he spoke. "Yeah, plus I think there are some things we need to talk about too," I added.

I meant the condom thing! Why did he not believe me!? "I should have known; you had condoms in your room. You were waiting for the chance to do the nasties." He said, shocked. "Oh, come on, I said that the condoms were not my idea," I tried to explain. "Yeah, right, I am sure you were waiting for the advantage," he explained.

"Let's talk after school. Then you will understand it was not my idea," I demanded. "Fine then! We can talk outside!" He added.

We both turned away from each other, and for some reason, I felt like we had just gotten into an argument. Why were we so annoyed right now? Was he annoyed that someone confessed? Or that I did not tell him? I am so confused. Wait! Why was I mad? I love Kiku; I would not make him mad. It was a weird place to be in, and luckily the problem would get solved later on, even though this is his fault for getting annoyed so fast with me. I just need to stay calm and ensure I don't act like an idiot.


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