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Every day since what happened, I had been thinking about it a lot. So much that I have skipped a lot of meals because I could not hold my food down. The last time this happened to me was when my aunt Lucile passed away when I was younger. I was sure my parents noticed my sudden behavior change, but I did not care. I wish Kiku would have just rejected me straight up instead of trying to spare my feelings. Then again, am I the toxic one for thinking he owed me anything? What was wrong with me? Was I heartbroken or was I just plain angry?

"Alfred, time for dinner! You can't keep skipping meals. You look fine just the way you are," my papa called from outside of my room. Him telling me that did not help, I still felt the same way. Was I angry at myself for thinking that Kiku owed me his affection? No! I couldn't have been... we are good friends, and I wouldn't want him to be uncomfortable. I was just heartbroken, and I did not know what else to do. "I will eat later," I answered.

I started to strip out of my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I pulled out my scale and stepped on it slowly. Looking at the mirror at my body, I felt disgusted.... I wish I were as thin as Kiku. No one likes a chubby kid. I felt tears stream down my face and I looked down at the numbers. They were not what I wanted... why couldn't I lose weight?!!!

I grabbed my stomach and tilted my head slightly. The fundraiser was coming up soon and I was scared to be alone with kiku again. All of these what if's in my head were really driving me crazy. I will never have a nice body like those other guys at my school.

The afternoon of the fundraiser came, and Kiku and I went into a dressing room to change into our uniforms. "This one is yours, do you need help putting it on?" He asked. My face got hot, and I shook my head "no! I got it!" I laughed nervously. He lifted an eyebrow at me, and I quickly grabbed the clothes and went behind a curtain. I stripped down quickly and started to put on my clothes... but something was wrong.

"Everything okay, Alfred?"
"They don't fit!" I said, shocked. The curtain opened quickly, and Kiku looked at me, shocked. "Oh my!" He said, shocked. The clothes were too big for me. "How is that possible? They measured us last week," he said, shocked. Although it was shocking that I had lost so much weight, it made me feel good. "How did you lose so much weight in a week?" He asked, horrified. My eyes widened, and I shrugged, even though I knew how. I was working out a lot and not eating a lot, and when I did eat, I couldn't hold it down.

"Here, they have extra, wear this one instead," he said. Kiku handed me the new clothes, and I started to strip right away. "NOT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!" He yelled. Kiku closed the curtain, and my eyes opened in shock. "What... was that all about?" I asked, confused. Luckily, the new set of clothes fit fine, and I walked out of the changing room to show off in front of Kiku. "Yeah... great job, but now we have to go," he laughed. Every time he laughed, he just reeled me in even more.

We both walked out of the classroom and stood by the ticket booth where we had to wait for customers. Our faces were painted as vampires, and we were dressed in fancy clothes. "Alfred, are you okay? You have seemed off these past few days... since the carnival," he spoke. My body tensed up, and I quickly shook my head "no! I am totally normal!" I laughed out. "Well... I am always here for you if you need to talk... I don't want you doing anything stupid."

"Stupid?..." I asked. He looked at me and smiled slightly. "Just come to me if you want to talk. My schedule is always open when it comes to you," He answered. Why would he say that? Was I just mistaking our platonic relationship for something else? He cared for me but only as a friend.

Eventually, his brother, my brother, and my parents stopped by our classroom. "Mattie, shouldn't you be with your class?" I asked. "Yeah, but I had to come by and see you both, just don't forget to come to mine," he laughed. Kiku and I nodded as my dad grabbed tickets. "We will buy these for all four of us," my dad smiled. Kiku nodded, grabbed the money from them, and put it in the cash box. "Just wait to the side, and you will go in next," I added.

They all stood to the side, and my papa looked at me curiously. "Did you lose some weight?" He asked. Everyone looked at me, and Kiku was the only one who didn't smile. "Yeah! Pretty cool, right? Maybe now I will be attractive!" I joked. My brother laughed at me, and my parents were amazed at how thin I got. "Wow! Good for you, Alfred," Yao smiled.

When I looked at Kiku, he still did not smile. He was the only one that didn't tell me good job. "Your dad and I don't care if you are chubby or thin, but whatever makes you happy," my papa shrugged.

Once they went into the haunted house, it became silent again between Kiku and me. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yes! I am great!" He said, forcing a smile. What was wrong with him? I wish he would just tell me what was wrong. I don't read minds, and it makes things harder for me.


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