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"Kiku look! It's an earthworm !"
"Oh yeah... it's so small..." Kiku picked up the worm and put it toward me. "Eww! Don't grab it!" I laughed. Kiku smiled slightly, and I began to giggle even more. "Boys! Time for lunch!" My father called. "I'll race you, Kiku!" I laughed. I quickly stood up and started to race toward the door.

Back then, things were simple; easier to hide how I felt at the time. I guess part of it was because I did not know what the feeling was....but now, it's all I can't stop thinking about.

"Wake up! ... Wake up..." a voice spoke. My eyes opened, and the light from the sun started to blind me. "What is it?" I asked, annoyed. "Did you do your homework as I told you to do?" He asked. I sat up straight and looked over at my best friend. We grew up together, and we know everything about each other. However, how I felt for him was different from how he viewed me. "Yes,  I stayed up late doing it; that's why I am so tired," I said. He breathed out slowly and sat beside me.

"You know that girl from the other class across the hall? Daisy Vargas? She confessed to me this morning," Kiku spoke. My attention was grabbed, and I slowly moved my eyes to look at him. "Oh really? Did you say yes?" I asked. He looked at me and laughed in a defeated way, "you know dating isn't my thing. I felt bad about turning her down, but I guess I'm not ready," he spoke. "Hmm? I see..." I said softly.

He always said he was not ready to date; I know he likes girls, so what could it be? "What's wrong? It's not like you have to have sex right away, baby steps right?" I asked. If I was going, to be honest, the idea of him finally getting a girlfriend made me sad, but I knew I have to be supportive. "I know that; I'm just not ready, I guess," he spoke nervously. "Well... that is fine then too. Don't force yourself to do anything," I spoke. I was trying to hide my happiness. Was it wrong that I was happy he wasn't ready to date? Because that meant I would have more time with him? Who knows...

"What about you? Anyone interesting for you?" He asked. I jumped at the question and started to shake my head. "No..nooooo- way!!..." I laughed out nervously. "Besides, no one has confessed to me like that," I added. He laughed a little and nudged me. "Who knows, it could happen soon," he smiled. I looked him in his eyes and tilted my head. "Maybe, but I'd just do what you do and reject them," I laughed.

Why would I date anyone who wasn't Kiku? It did not make any sense to me.  My family knew about my crush on him since I was younger, and always teased me about it. So, I have to make sure he doesn't find out, it would be embarrassing, and I would die. "Maybe I should give dating a shot. The next person who asks me out, I think I will say yes to a date," he spoke. Kiku looked at me and tilted his head with a smile.

"Really? That is cool! You should do that," I laughed nervously. He should not do that! Is he crazy? Just anyone? That is insane. I smiled at him and placed my cheek against the palm of my hand. "Yeah, it will be great! We could be lovey-dovey and kiss each other," He smirked. "Really now? With anyone?.... I doubt it," I laughed. He was too shy to attempt any of that.

"I could if I wanted to."
"You would need to practice."
"Practice? On who? That is ridiculous."
"Me! I'll be your dummy," I laughed.  I wonder how it would be to kiss him? I bet his lips were super soft. "On you?... I don't think I could do that," he laughed nervously. "Just try and flirt! My dads flirt all the time, so I don't think it should be hard," I spoke.

"Flirt?.... ummmm.... Alfred.... you look..... your hair is?...... your clothes? No.... Alfred! You are....."
"Oh god!! Is it so hard to compliment me?!"
"I'm sorry!!! I have never done this!" He said nervously.
"Complimenting someone is an easy way of flirting. You highlight their best quality, giving the first impression," I spoke.

"Wow! How did you get so good at this?" He asked, shocked. "Like I said!! My dads do it all the time.... well, at least my papa does it to my dad," I explained. "I see... I will try again," he spoke. He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.

"Alfred, your carefree attitude encourages me to stop and think about all the great things around me..... it has.... given me a new type of appreciation towards everything.... I think," he said. For a bit, we stared at each other, and I just melted. He looked so nervous saying that, and if I weren't a guy, I would have definitely been his girlfriend instantly. I smiled at what he said and nodded. "That is a great start; maybe next time you can give me a kiss on the cheek," I teased.

"Don't even stress about it; when you are ready, you are ready," I added. He looked at me softly and nodded "yeah, you are right, plus I have my whole life to date," he pointed out. "Maybe not all of it," I said. He turned away from me and began to do his work. He was so handsome and calm and thin and everything more. I do not think I will ever be able to tell him how I felt about him. It would end badly, and he would reject me... something I don't want to happen.

This is my new book!!! Yay!!!



Thanks for reading so far❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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