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trigger/content warning: toxic relationships, domestic abuse

In the next year, you and Aidan's relationship had grown, and the two of you were essentially best friends. You weren't there yet, but you were sticking around more than he expected. Lots of his friends had a tendency to leave because he would be gone to film for months on end until he only had costars that he barely saw for friends.

You, however, intended on staying around for a while. Aidan was fun, an awkward little person, but he knew you really well and was easy to talk to. It felt like you'd known him forever and vice versa.

Perhaps it was because you were both creative people. He was, of course, an actor and a musician, which you always supported him about, and you had a passion in art and photography. It was common for you to be found FaceTimeing each other while Aidan worked on a song and you were painting a new still life of a beautiful arrangement of flowers.

Yes, the two of you got along brilliantly, but there was one thing you hated about Aidan. His girlfriend. No, you weren't jealous, Aidan was just your friend. However, his girlfriend, Rachael, just rubbed you the wrong way. For a start, she was incredibly possessive over him whenever you all hung out together. Even Aidan admitted to feeling smothered sometimes.

She always went out of her way to make you uncomfortable but you never said anything. She was Aidan's girlfriend and you could see that he loved her with all his heart. He was your best friend and you wanted him to be happy. So you buried the feeling deep down under your heart.

It was mid December and you and Aidan were on a regular FaceTime. You were secretly painting one of his Christmas presents. A larger recreation of a Polaroid the two of you had taken together. You loved painting Aidan, his face was just so unique and it was incredibly fun to create a mini replica of him.

The two of you were chatting casually as you heard Rachael make a loud entrance on the other line, making you go quiet.

"What are you doing?" She asked pointedly. Her face looked as though she had eaten too many sour candies at once and her mouth was curled up into a snarl. "What are you doing?" She repeated.

"I'm just on call to Y/n, love," Aidan explained, sounding nervous. You waved at the camera with your free hand as you finished up the painting, laying your brush in a glass of water before turning your full attention to your phone screen.

"You shouldn't be spending so much time with her," Rachael spat, "I'm your girlfriend, you should pay attention to me!" Her voice was harsh and rising in volume like the crescendo of an opera song.

Aidan anxiously attempted to comfort her, saying he was doing his best and reassuring her that you were only friends. But it wasn't enough. Not for Rachael. She started screaming a half-assed explanation at him. Why he shouldn't talk to you, look at you or even think about you and you had a front row seat.

"Don't make me hit you, you whiny bi-" Was the last thing you heard before Aidan scrambled to end the call. At lightning speed, you stood up, changing out of your comfy 'at home' shorts in record speed before grabbing your phone and launching yourself out of your apartment.

You turned on the ignition in your car and stepped on the gas. You were halfway to Aidan's apartment when you received a text saying 'Don't come over'. You shot back a 'Be there in 5' before shutting off your phone so you couldn't see his protests.

When you pulled up, Aidan was in the window. He was waving, but his head hung low and hair covered his face. Your chest tightened and temper rose. You knocked quietly on the door after taking the elevator. After hearing it unlock from the other side, the door slid open and you were greeted with Aiden who had a black eye and was holding back tears. Your heart aches at the sight.

"Come on," You whispered, "You're staying at mine tonight." He glanced back into the apartment, sighing. He held one finger up before re entering the place. A few minutes later he emerged with a large wrapped package and locked the door behind him.

"Couldn't leave your gift behind," He said, as you both walked towards the elevator.

You looked at him upset, ignoring the comment, "How long's this been going on then?" He sighed and shook his head. You took the hint, patting his shoulder out of comfort before dropping the subject. "I want you to stay at mine, at least until you break up with her."

"Okay, fine," Was all he had the strength to say. He put the parcel in the boot of the car and you drove him home, listening to quiet Christmas music on the radio.

When you got home, you unlocked the apartment, letting Aidan in with the package first before you shut it behind you. He put the box next to the little tree that you'd put up in the kitchen as you fetched him some clothes.

You handed him the clothes but before he could leave to change you pulled him in to a giant hug which he gladly reciprocated. It was the best feeling in the world to him and he could've stayed cuddled up in your arms forever.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (Aiden Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now