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Life tends to come in the same order for everyone. Career, marriage and kids. The American dream. Career first and then marriage before kids, that's how it was always supposed to go. Right?

So imagine, an early December day where you stood shocked in the bathroom, a twenty something-year-old, wondering if you were ready for the two little blue lines that were clearly displayed on the device. Lines etched their way into your forehead as you panicked quietly. How could you let this happen?

It was a running theme, in your family, for early pregnancy but you thought you had been careful. There was no possible way to know how Aidan was going to react to the news, you had barely considered the idea of kids and his career was only growing.

You'd only gotten suspicious when you were starting to get nauseous. Another cliche that happened to be true for you. You thought you had some sort of stomach bug but after a week with no change and never physically being sick, a call to your mother raised the question. And now you knew.

Naturally, you hid it. You'd decided to rip it off like a bandaid at Christmas and pray to god he was okay with it. You wrapped it up all pretty as well, like a Pinterest lady.

He'd be lying if he said he didn't notice your mood shift slightly but Aidan simply didn't know that ninety percent of your brain space was occupied by the knowledge of what was hidden in the bottom of your closet.

On Christmas Day, you had barely been able to sleep when Aidan gently shook you awake. Your eyes were only half open, but it wasn't difficult to see him grinning wider than the moon.

"Merry Christmas, Peony!" He cheered, his voice still a raspy whisper that sent chills down your spine.

"Did you have to wake me up so early, Ingram?" You said as pointedly as you could for being half asleep.

You watched your boyfriend pout at you from a few inches away and barely stayed awake through his whining. It was only when he started pulling you by the arm that you finally sat up, pushing an arm out to lean on.

"Alright, alright! I'm up, are you happy now?"

"Yep," He replied, popping the 'p' and dragging you out of bed. You giggled despite the fact Aidan was basically yanking your arm out of its socket.

"What's got you so excited?" You asked as you sat down next to the tree in the living room after quickly grabbing a cushion from the sofa to hug over your stomach.

"Well someone," He started sarcastically, "refused to tell me anything about what they got me." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise," You laughed, hugging the plump furniture closer to yourself.

Aidan sighed, "Well I gave you hints like a good boyfriend," He remarked matter-of-factly with his arms crossed over his chest like a toddler.

"Whatever," You whispered before looking for the little package that you had neatly written his name on the front of. After finding it, you placed it behind your back, causing Aidan to raise an eyebrow at your action. You leaned in, kissing his cheek quickly before chuckling, "You have to open that one last."

"Alright," He shrugged reaching to give you a different parcel. You spent the next while opening presents with your boyfriend and genuinely having a nice time, the cushion that you once cuddled close across the room. Every so often he would film something for a Christmas themed YouTube video (with your permission, of course), most of the footage was just the two of you acting like giggly idiots and eating way too much sugar for how little time you had spent.

Eventually you cleared your throat, making the boy across from you look up to meet your nervous gaze. You pulled the gift out from behind your lap and placed it in front of him. "You might want to film this one," You said, the anxiety clear in your voice, "Not necessarily to put in the video, just... I think you're gonna want it on camera, that's all."

With raised brows, Aidan cautiously peeled back the wrapping paper to reveal a plain white box. He groaned, "My god, how much suspense are you trying to build?" He questioned, making you burst into a fit of giggles.

"Just open it then," You teased, a sly smirk wiping the evidence anxiety off your face.

He raised his arms in defeat, a small smile growing on his face, before quickly reaching back for the box. Gently, he slid off the lid, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. As soon as he saw the contents, his eyes doubled in size and his lips curved into a small 'o' shape. His head shot up to look at you.


"Really," You breathed, biting your lip.

"This- this isn't a joke, right?" He asked, double checking the test in the box.

"No, not a joke." The silence that followed ate away at you. It felt like the longest few seconds of your entire life. You scratched at the back of your neck, keeping your head low.

You saw the box and it's contents get placed back on the floor and not even a second later, you were engulfed into a hug. You felt the fabric of your shirt dampening slightly on you shoulder as you boyfriend embraced you.

"A-Aidan?" You managed to stutter out, "Is-is that ok?" You felt him nod against the crook of your neck. After a minute of so, he pulled back, sniffling slightly, grin forming.

"Thank you," He smiled, "thank you so much, this it the best Christmas ever." He leant in, giving you a quick peck on the lips. A single hand slipped down to your stomach. The two of you separated, grinning.

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"Since the beginning of December."

"All month?" He screeched, "And you waited, why?"

You reached a hand up to cup his face, massaging his cheek with the slow circular motions of your thumb.

"Thought it's be a good present."

"Well, you weren't wrong," He grinned, "Oh my god, I'm gonna be-"

"-The daddy here," You smirked.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (Aiden Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now