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trigger/content warning: serious injury description, car accident, hospitals, loss of unborn child, death

Your son Michael was born naturally on the 28th of April 20__. It was the worse pain you could've ever imagined to experience but you and Aidan were relieved there were no complications this time.

Seeing your daughter cattle her younger brother was the cutest sight ever. Many children felt neglected after their younger siblings were born so you and your husband tried your hardest to involve Ramona in taking care of the little boy.

"Mikey! Mikey!" She would squeal as she attempted to play peek-a-boo with the newborn. She even insisted Mikey help blow out the candles on her birthday cake.

On Christmas Eve of that year, you kissed your partner's cheek goodbye as he rocked your son to sleep. Mona was already tucked up asleep in bed and you were going to visit Catherine, your old boss from the florist's shop, for an hour. Her child lived abroad and wasn't going to be able to fly home for the holidays.

"Can you sort out some of the christmas stuff?" You pleaded, knowing the social interaction would tire you out. With a boyish grin, Aidan nodded at the request as the baby in his arms fell asleep.

"Just have a good time, alright?" He smiled gently, glancing at the sleeping child before whispering, "I was thinking... another one?"

You slapped his arm, giggling quietly. "You wish, Ingram." You fired the old nickname which made him pout. You pulled your coat over your shoulders and kissed the sleeping babe's forehead.

"Love you," You whispered to him before looking up at Aidan to say, "and you too, i guess."

He rolled his eyes at the remark while you chortled at your own joke. He leaned in for a quick kissing the lips before you slipped on your shoes and made your way to the door.

"See you soon," You said unlocking the door, before turning back to the man you loved cradling your child, "and Aidy? A third one sounds nice." You winked and slipped out the door as Aidan's face glowed pink.

Catherine was in brilliant condition despite having aged since you last saw her. She was hoping to become a grandmother soon and you promised to come visit again sometime with your kids. She wished you the best with your family and you left.

The drive home dragged on. At this point you were tired and just wanted to get back and into bed with Aidan. Suddenly there was a loud sound of collision and you were propelled through your car's front window.

You felt each individual piece of glass fracture at the force of your body, flying off the car and splintering your body. You were laid there for what felt like forever and the only thing that you could hold onto was the fact that you needed to get home to your family.

Your vision began to fade in and out, sometimes forming dark splotches but mostly making you unable to see. "Aidy," you cried weakly and repeatedly as a muffled siren sounded and big black figures of unknown people. The last thing you felt was being lifted off the hood of your car and carried through the air.

Aidan woke up from a nap to his phone ringing. He had fallen asleep halfway through sorting out the kids' presents and face planted on a random wrapped box.

His phone vibrated urgently. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes to see that it was an unknown number. Expecting a cold call, he picked up the phone.

"Is this Aidan Gallagher?" Asked an unfamiliar voice. The lady on the line was both calm and desperate sounding at the same time.

"Yes... who is this?" His eyebrows furrowed, hoping that his phone number hadn't gotten leaked.

"I'm Nurse Hill at ______ Hospital, you were listed as Y/n Gallagher's emergency contact and she's in critical condition, I'm awfully sorry."

Aidan's heart stopped beating for a deafening moment before immediately banging against his ribcage in hyper speed. His entire face drained of colour and he had to clutch the phone with both trembling hands so that he wouldn't drop it. He croaked out something along the lines of, "I'm on my way," before hanging up and shooting his mom a text to meet him at the hospital.

He buckled his tired kids into his car, his palms lubricated with sweat as he tried to drive as slowly as he possibly could with his wife's life on the line. His mother was already there when he arrived. He got out the vehicle, already looking like he'd seen a ghost. They exchanged a tense hug before he asked her to take the children to her place, a request she quickly agreed to.

Aidan shakily walked up to the front desk alone. The nurses guided him to the right ward, to the right room. His wife was splayed out on the bed, countless jarring tubes entering her body. The steady beeping of the life support machine making him want to burst into tears.

A young doctor came in and explained the situation. Nothing was looking good. If she didn't improve in the next few hours there would be no chance of her survival. What makes it worse, is that she was pregnant. Only by a week or so, and was being the key word.

It was at this point the doctor left the room, leaving the poor man to grieve. Aidan grabbed her hand, his fingers grazing the diamond ring sitting on her cold fingers as he wept.

"Come back to me," He begged, "Please come back to me. We need you. I need you."

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (Aiden Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now