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Having to care for a young child was the most exhausting thing you had ever had to deal with. Let alone a young child that the public was dying to see more of. You'd posted the odd picture on your instagram story of your daughter because neither of you could resist, it was just something you wanted to do as Ramona's parents.

However, it didn't help with the many people begging for your reappearance — and Mona's appearance — in Aidan's livestreams. To be fair, he did most of his lives when he was away filming, just for convenience. That way, it wasn't making anything difficult when he was spending time with his family.

This time was an exception. Christmas was a few days prior and you were basically falling asleep with every step you took. Aidan had already organised a live for that day weeks in advance and, at the time, you agreed to take care of Mona. However, upon seeing you're tired state, he talked it over with you and you allowed him, this one time, to have your daughter on a live stream while you took a well deserved nap.

Aidan turned on the setting on his instagram, setting his phone down so it angled away from the bed you were in. He watched the view count slowly rise before greeting his fans before saying, "We're gonna have a special guest any moment when she finds us. My wonderful girlfriend, Y/n, is tired — she's right here"

He turned the camera at you and you grumbled. "Don't film me, I look like crap," You groaned, to which he chuckled before complying and turning the phone back off you.

"Anyway, I'll be keeping an eye on Ramona while that one sleeps." As if on cue, Mona started crying in another room. Aidan stood up, held a finger up at the screen as if to say, "be right back", and sprinted off to get his daughter.

He returned with her balanced on his hip, bouncing her slightly as she giggled. He grabbed the camera and started leaving the room. "We're gonna go somewhere else so we're not being too loud and keeping mommy awake," Aidan whispered, shutting the door.

He ended up propping his phone on the couch whilst he sat on the floor with Mona. The christmas tree, with the lights now off, displayed in the background.

"Say hi to the camera, Mona," He grinned, waving at his phone as the child began to do the same, babbling to herself as she sloppily moved her hand around.

Aidan's smile only grew wider as he saw all the positive comments about his daughter blossoming on the livestream. Unfortunately, this was when Ramona decided to get a little fussy.

"What's up?" Aidan cooed to the wailing child, "You wanna put the TV on, hm?" Mona nodded at her father's words, pointing a chubby little finger at the black box offscreen.

"Grinch," She squeaked in a high-pitched voice, sending all viewers into a giant rush of serotonin. Aidan chuckled.

"Mona, christmas was a few days ago, we're gonna have to stop watching the Grinch soon," He said, despite already having already reached for the remote.

He remembered his family watching the movie last year and wondered if there could have been any connection to the infant's obsession with the grumpy green character.

He answered questions from his fans as he quietly bounced Mona on his knee while she watched the movie. Eventually, her eyelids grew much heavier than need be for a young child and she drifted into a gentle slumber.

Upon noticing the sleeping girl in his lap, Aidan looked up at the camera and quietly whispered that he would be ending the livestream. "Bye, everyone," He breathed, "Mona says bye too," before clicking the button to end the live.

He left his phone on the couch, carrying Ramona to her room and placing her gently in her crib. After making sure the baby monitor was switched on, he tiptoed out the room, making his way to your room.

You felt weight shift on the bed, causing you to stir in your sleep. Through lidded eyes, you saw your boyfriend slowly shuffling under the covers to embrace you.

You turned to face him, giving him a small smile before immediately stuffing your face in his chest. "Is she asleep?" You asked desperately, stroking Aidan's hair in order to help the both of you relax. He only hummed in response as he pulled you closer to his body.

"I have so much to do, i should probably get up," You muttered into the crook of his neck where you were resting. However, bringing this up only tightened Aidan's hold on you.

"Let's sleep for a bit, mkay," He managed to say in a whisper, to which you chuckled slightly, giving in to his affection.

"Alright," You replied. "We can sleep."

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (Aiden Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now